in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

CAMILA 6.jpg


Hello friends I hope you are very well and that you have had a great weekend, I had a great time in the company of my beautiful daughter Camila, whenever I am with her my world changes completely. Today I want to share with you a drawing that I made of her with a photograph that I managed to take of her. It is very difficult to take pictures of her because she is very restless and never looks at the camera, but the profile I took of her I liked that I chose her to draw. I hope you like it, then I leave the process step by step.
Hello friends I hope you are very well and that you have had a great weekend, I had a great time in the company of my beautiful daughter Camila, whenever I am with her my world changes completely. Today I want to share with you a drawing that I made of her with a photograph that I managed to take of her. It is very difficult to take pictures of her because she is very restless and never looks at the camera, but the profile I took of her I liked that I chose her to draw. I hope you like it, then I leave the process step by step.






The drawing I did on a gray Camson coarse-grained cardboard, it is used a lot for watercolors and acrylics, it absorbs the ink very well so the drawings achieve a very realistic appearance if we focus a lot on the details. I start a quick ocean with a white pencil, then I highlight some areas with dark brown and I begin to align the parts that will shape the face.
Es dibujo lo hice en una cartulina de grano grueso Camson de color gris, se utiliza mucho para acuarelas y acrilicos, absobre muy bien la tinta por lo que los dibujos logran un aspecto muy realistas si nos enfocamo mucho en los detalles. Comienco un oceto rápido con lapiz blanco, luego voy remarcando algunas zonas con marro oscuro y comienzo a dlinear las partes que daran forma al rostro.





To paint the skin I followed the following process, first I started with a soft layer of white, then I was adding darker colors such as light pastel and some pink. As my daughter is very white, the photograph left her skin very white, so I decided to paint from the lightest to the darkest that are the shadows. Smooth strokes one on top of the other as these colors mix easily so it is not necessary to press too hard on the tip.
Para pintar la piel segui el siguiente proceso, primero comencé con una suave capa de blanco, luego fui agregando colores mas oscuros como pastel claro y algo de rosa. Como mi hija es muy blanca, la fotografía dejo muy blanca su piel, asi que decidí pintar desde los mas claro hasta lo mas oscuro que son las sombras. Trazos suaves uno sobre otro ya que estos colores se mezclan con facilidad por lo que no es necesario presionar mucho la punta.





Then we go to diujar the hair that has it wavy, here we use black, dark brown, light brown and pastel. We make loose but fast strokes, we make the strokes as if it were lightning, very fast to be able to follow the line of the hair, and then we play with the brightness of the light to give lights and shadows.
Luego pasamos a diujar el cabello que lo tiene ondulado, aqui utilizamos el negro, cafe oscuro, café claro y pastel. Hacemos trazos sueltos pero rápidos, hacemos los trazos como si fuera un rayo, muy rápido para poder seguir la linea de los cabellos, y luego jugamos con el brillo de la luz para dar luces y sombras.






Once we have covered all the hair, with mineral oil and a brush we will give the hair volume. The oil will help us to mix the tones that we have used and to give shine to the colors, thanks to its effect of mixing and diluting we can repaint and put a layer of colors, we can darken and give more shine to the hair.
Una vez que hayamos cubierto todo el cabello, con aceite mineral y un pincel le daremos volumen al cabello. El aceite nos ayudará a mezclar los tonos que hemos usado y a darle brillo a los colores, gracias a su efecto de mezclar y diluir podremos volver a pintar y poner una capa de colores, podemos oscurecer y dar mas brillo al cabello.



CAMILA 5.jpg

CAMILA 6.jpg

CAMILA 4.jpg

This is how the final portrait of my little daughter has been. She is a very adorable girl, very restless and witty, she had always wanted to draw her but she never allowed herself to take a photo. I think he doesn't like them very much hehehe. I hope you liked the explanation of the technique I use to paint, I always try to show how I do things. I say goodbye to you soon, greetings to all.
Así ha quedado el retrato final de mi pequeña hija. Es una una niña muy adorable, muy inquieta y ocurrente, siempre había querido dibujarla pero nunca se dejaba tomar una foto. Creo que no le gustan mucho jejeje. Espero que les haya gustado la explicación de la técnica que uso para pintar, siempre trato de mostrar como hago las cosas. Me despido hasta pronto, saludos para todos.






Taaaalentazooooooo! <3

Gracias.. que bueno que te haya gustado y hayas apreciado el paso a paso.

Muy agradecido por su apoyo a mi trabajo! Saludos.

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Wow! Awesome painting. Looks exactly like her.

I'm glad you liked how the drawing turned out.