Hi friends, I’m sharing with you my last visit to a unusual museum and it’s history in Cairo few weeks ago.
Credits for this visit go to @dain23art.mex who took me there as a surprise 💗 Thank you 🙏🏼
Mahmoud Khalil Museum
The Mahmoud Khalil Museum is one of Egypt's most exciting and remarkable art museums.
the Mahmoud Khalil Museum is notable because of its unique selection of artworks. The museum is located in Cairo. Another reason that the Mahmoud Khalil Museum is well-known is because of the building itself, the Villa of Mahmoud Khalil, which he built his wife built in 1915. The Eastern side of the villa was constructed facing the Nile in Giza. It was built in the "Arnovo" style, evident in the metal and glasswork that decorate this side of the house. The western side of the villa was built in the "new classical style" that allowed the villa to have different styles of decorations that synchronized together in fantastic harmony.
A substantial colored window dominates the northern side of the Mahmoud Khalil Museum. It displays a beautiful painting that visitors can view from the first and second floors of the museum. This window was painted by the French artist Lucien Matte in 1907. The house remained as a residence of Mahmoud Khalil and his family until 1960, when the house, at his request, was transformed into a museum. It displays many of his and many other works of art from local and international artists.
Who Was Mahmoud Khalil?
Mahmoud Khalil was a great lover of art and a unique collector of many precious and exceptional items. Khalil was also a politician and worked as a minister and member of the Egyptian parliament for an extended period of his life. Mahmoud Khalil was born in Cairo in 1877 and traveled to France to study law in 1897. He married a French lady called Imeline Hiktor Luis in 1907. Afterward, he went back to Egypt and built his palace in 1918. He also acted as the general commissioner for the Egyptian section in the international art festival held in Paris in 1937.
The Mahmoud Khalil Museum
The museum of Mahmoud Khalil and his wife is full of rare paintings and artwork, and it is considered an Egyptian art treasure house. The collection of Mahmoud Khalil himself is regarded as one of the hugest art collections of one of the most important modern art in Egypt and the Middle East. Besides the paintings, there are collections of vases and gems like emeralds, works of crystal, and works of carmen that Chinese artists created. There is a collection of beautiful bronze, marble, and plaster statues.
Some Pharaonic sculptures were modern Egyptian artists made.
The museum hosts a lot of artwork that belongs to leaders of the impressionist school of art, like Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Auguste Rodin and Vincent van Gogh, Dega and his painting " Toulouse-Lautrec" and the works of the French Romantic artist Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix. There are also many artworks of the Orient, like Frumentan, Preshide, and Gabriel Piesy. The Museum houses a fine collection of Impressionist paintings, mainly collected before 1928, which alone rivals most European National Collections.
There is also a collection of rare vases made out of French "Sefeir" and others created by Chinese, Turkish, and Iranian artists. There is also a selection of jewels that the Chinese artists created skillfully and made of emeralds, Krihtemal, and red coral.
There is also a remarkable collection of statues made by famous artists like Auguste Rodin, a renowned French sculptor who is considered the progenitor of modern sculpture, and his famous statue of the French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac.
An extraordinary museum hidden in the middle of the middle east! What an incredible experience. Thank you all!
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@koychev22 търсих какви ли не групи, и имам чувството че търсачката е доста лимитирана защото излизат най вече празни групи или никакви. Ще запомня тези за следващия път, а имали някъде видео туториал за най популярни групи и хаштагове?
Ами видео не знам дали има, но групите можеш да ги видиш в търсачката за групи горе на лупичката в дясно. Там можеш да видиш брой членове и информация колко са големи и популярни
Благодря 🙏🏼
Не мога да прочета текста, понеже не знам английски, но мога да навлизам в снимките и да преживявам все едно съм там. Картините и всяка статуетка, стъклото и всичко в този музей е великолепно!
Благодаря за споделеното преживяване! 💗
Благодаря за отзива :)@elkakoycheva здравейте, не правя всички постове на български защото говоря 4 езика и когато поствам в групи които не са български поствам на други езици.. може би трябва да ги пиша и на бг винаги 🤔
Ех, няма нужда, но БЛАГОДАРЯ ЗА ВНИМАНИЕТО! Аз по принцип наистина имам дарбата да Съпреживявам без да разбирам езика, и само като разглеждам нещо, мога да го почувствам. Споко, парадокс е, но дори работя за превоческа агенция, но не съм преводач😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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