Ink drawing series | Queen of the Black Crown |

in Alien Art Hivelast month

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. Today I'm continuing with my ink drawings, although I've added a different color to this one to highlight it. It still achieves what I want to with this type of drawing: simple yet storytelling. In this one, the Black-Crowned Queen holds an orb she doesn't understand but feels a strange power emanating from it. Her sword vibrates in resonance with the strange orb she tries to touch. This orb was her welcome to ascend to the rank above kings and queens: Demigod. Her black crown represents the kingdom of night, and by receiving the dark orb, she gains powers of darkness, becoming the demigoddess of the night, ruler of darkness and mistress of fantastic creatures associated with the night such as bats, crows, and even vampires. She gained this power because she was ruthless in her reign and this power chose her as its bearer. I hope you like it.

Hola amigos, espero esten bien. hoy continuo con los dibujos de tinta, aunque a este dibujo le agregue un coñor distinto para resaltar, sigue siendo lo que quiero lograr con este tipo de dibujos, que son dibujos sencillos pero que puedan contar una historia, en esta, la Reina de corona negra tiene en sus manos un orbe que no sabe que es pero siente un extraño poder que emana de el, su espada vibra en resonancia con el extraño orbe que ella intenta tocar, este orbe era su bienvenida a ascender al rango que le sigue a los reyes y reinas, Semidiosa, su corona negra se debe a que representa el reino de la noche y recibiendo el orbe oscuro le da poderes de oscuridad, convirtiendola en la semidiosa de la noche, regente tinieblas y señora de criaturas fantasticas asociadas a la noche como murcielagos, cuervos e incluso vampiros. gano este poder porque fue despiadada en su reinado y este poder la eligio a ella como su portadora. espero les guste






 last month  

I need a crown like that :)

You would look awesome with it.