Green Humanoid Alien

hello guys, i came again with yet another random drawing, this is a drawing i had to improvise on into my own taste, i saw a reference image online of a reptilian human alien.
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I guess the image was from a movie, and they had to make the person fit into the description, because I feel the character in the costume doesn't look that way, maybe it was just a makeup so as to create something out of this world. The reference image is down below, showing what I am trying to describe.


Charcaol and Crayon on paper


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Progress Shots

In my first sketch i added some crazy illustration on the forehead of my subject, thereby making a huge difference from the original image, by adding some designs both at the back head, The reason why i did this is to make the subject look more Alien like in my sketch.
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In my drawing i used Green color because the color green has a strong symbolic meaning when it comes to aliens, even in movies you will see most aliens in a green color, but not withstanding green is not like the only color you can use to represent an alien, and alien can be designed in different colors.

Final Drawing

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Thanks for viewing