Versión en Español
"Bola y Cadena" es una creación de arte digital en la que podemos ver formas y personajes amorfos que convergen en una especie de habitación irreal y onírica. Por muy colorida que sea esta obra, adopta una narrativa melancólica sobre el hecho de sentirse solo y atrapado en tus pensamientos negativos.
English Version
"Ball and Chain" is a digital art creation in which we can see amorphous shapes and characters converging in a kind of unreal, dreamlike room. As colorful as this work is, it adopts a melancholic narrative about feeling alone and trapped in your negative thoughts.
Esa especie de gran cubo que forma la habitación cerrada (donde los muebles parecen muy pequeños); la figura humanoide azul sentada en posición fetal encima de una gran bola metálica (de la que uno de sus pies está encadenado); el inquietante y deforme monstruo azul con los brazos unidos a los de dicha figura y que parecen envolverla; son elementos que simbolizan esa sensación de estar atrapado... atrapado y solo en tus propios pensamientos.
Empecé a preparar la escena con la intención de crear un entorno con la vibra de una especie de prisión. Para reforzar la idea de una sensación de agobio, podemos ver que casi todos los elementos apuntan en dirección a la figura azul encadenada (el monstruo azul le mira fijamente y todas sus extremidades parecen apuntar hacia él, mientras que las ratas verdes acechan desde el suelo).
That sort of large cube that forms the closed room (where the furniture seems very small); the blue humanoid figure sitting in a fetal position on top of a large metal ball (from which one of its feet is chained); the disturbing and deformed blue monster with its arms linked to those of the said figure and that seem to wrap around it; are elements that symbolize that feeling of being trapped... trapped and alone in your own thoughts.
I started setting up the scene with the intention of creating an environment with the vibe of a kind of prison. To reinforce the idea of an overwhelming feeling, we can see that almost all the elements point in the direction of the chained blue figure (the blue monster stares at him and all its limbs seem to point towards him, while the green rats stalk from the ground).
El azul predomina porque es un color asociado a la tristeza. Seleccioné los demás colores para que contrastaran y combinaran bien con el azul en un estilo pop surrealista.
Blue predominates because it is a color associated with sadness. I selected the other colors to contrast and combine well with the blue in a surreal pop style.
Termino con los elementos de fondo, como las paredes y el techo de la habitación, así como los detalles de las sombras y las luces.
I finish with the background elements, such as the walls and ceiling of the room, as well as the details of the shadows and lights.
Espero que les haya gustado esta pieza queridos amigos. Nos vemos en el próximo dibujo, cuídense mucho.
I hope you liked this piece dear friends. See you in the next drawing, take care.
Thanks for reading! | ¡Gracias por leer!
For some reason, the guy's legs are the freakiest part to me. Not the figure on the ball, but the one whose legs look like they're twisting off 😆. And I like how you made both figures the same color blue to show their relation.
Hey what's up! I'm glad you like it. Definitely the figure with the long legs is the weirdest hahahaha. Yeah, they're both blue because they're linked at the arms (like they're one), it even seems to wrap around the guy sitting on the ball.
Oh, I see what you're saying about the figure now. Sometimes the best ideas come from dark places . Nice work 😎