Upside Down / De Cabeza (ENG - ESP)

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago (edited)


Alguien me dijo recientemente que mis dibujos e ilustraciones eran muy ambiguos y que le recordaban a esas caricaturas de los 90's, donde no estaba claro si eran para toda la familia o solo para los mayores (caso como Ren & Stimpy, por ejemplo). Bueno, nací en los 90's y estoy muy influenciado por la televisión de esos años, así como de los 2000's.

Hoy comparto con ustedes una ilustración que reúne varios de esos elementos que me influyeron: colores vivos, caricaturas y personajes extraños en una especie de surrealismo pop. "De Cabeza" es el título que elegí para este dibujo, donde su protagonista es un bizarro personaje que precisamente está de cabeza.


Someone told me recently that my drawings and illustrations were very ambiguous and that they reminded him of those cartoons from the 90's, where it was not clear if they were for the whole family or just for the older ones (like Ren & Stimpy, for example). Well, I was born in the 90's and I'm very influenced by the television of those years, as well as the 2000's.

Today I share with you an illustration that brings together several of those elements that influenced me: bright colors, cartoons and weird characters in a kind of pop surrealism. "Upside Down" is the title I chose for this drawing, where its protagonist is a bizarre character who is precisely turned upside down.

de cabeza.jpg

Esta no era la imagen que tenía en mente durante el proceso creativo, específicamente cuando estaba haciendo el boceto a lápiz. Al principio quería dibujar una cabeza flotante vomitando, pero me pareció muy simple. Entonces se me ocurrió que dicha cabeza vomitara al personaje que ven en la imagen anterior. Luego quité la parte superior de la cabeza flotante (como si fuera una tapa), e hice que unas piernas salieran de ella (las piernas del ser que también sale de su boca). Y de ahí el dibujo fluyó hacia algo muy diferente a lo que había planeado originalmente.


No me gusta compartir mis bocetos a lápiz cuando empiezo a desarrollar una idea de ilustración. Pero este en particular me causo mucha risa como se desarrolló (un desastre total, jajajaja), así que se los muestro. Con el esquema general listo, empiezo creando la capa de líneas, que es la imagen que también comparto a continuación.

This was not the image I had in mind during the creative process, specifically when I was doing the pencil sketch. At first I wanted to draw a floating head throwing up, but it seemed very simple. So it occurred to me that said head would vomit the character you see in the previous image. I then removed the top of the floating head (as if it were a lid), and made some legs coming out of it (the legs of the being that also comes out of its mouth). And from there the drawing flowed into something very different from what I had originally planned.


I don't like to share my pencil sketches when I'm starting to develop an illustration idea. But this one in particular caused me a lot of laughter as it developed (a total disaster, hahahaha), so I show them to you. With the general outline ready, I start by creating the layer of lines, that is the image that I also share below.



Hice una selección de colores muy llamativa, destacando el magenta en el ser que está boca abajo. Estos son colores planos, muy típicos de los dibujos animados "adorables" y que me gustan por el contraste que hacen con el contenido grotesco de esta ilustración. Les dejo algunas imágenes de la aplicación de color:

I made a very striking selection of colors, highlighting the magenta in the being that is upside down. These are flat colors, very typical of "adorable" cartoons and that I like them for the contrast they make with the grotesque content of this illustration. I leave you some images of the color application:





Ahora aplico un ligero sombreado en algunas zonas, en este caso no quiero perder mucho el brillo de los colores. Solo quiero agregar algo de volumen.

Now I apply a slight shading in some areas, in this case I don't want to lose much of the brightness of the colors. I just want to add some volume.


Por cierto, ¿Dónde creen que está realmente clavado el palo de madera? Lo dejo a su imaginación. Espero que les haya gustado el dibujo de hoy. Cuídense mucho y recuerden que si piensan que el mundo está al revés, tal vez sea porque ustedes están de cabeza.

By the way, where do you think the wooden stick is actually nailed? I leave it to your imagination. I hope you liked today's drawing. Take care of yourselves and remember that if you think the world is upside down, maybe it's because your head is upside down.



This one is terrifying. I would hate to be that eyeball getting ejected. Hahahaha Very interesting concept. It gives me a Garbage Pail Kids kind of vibe to it. Keep up the great work.

A friend of mine recently told me about the Garbage Pail Kids, I didn't know that and started to investigate. I fell in love with that art! hahahaha. I'm glad you liked my friend, thanks for coming to comment ✌️

I made a post about it a while back ago. Check this out bro! hahah

wow, I didn't know you collected them as a child! How lucky that as a child they let you have them. In my research, I saw a video of someone who collected them as a child in Venezuela, but he did it hidden because they were very frowned upon (we already know why hahahaha).

Your post was tremendously great and explains very well what that was and is to this day. I think the same as you, that kind of cartoonish art combined with the grotesque black humor was just genius. In addition, the influence on many artists was very marked. Thanks bro for sharing those memories! ✌️


You're welcome. I figured you of all people would appreciate them once you found out about them. hahaha Your art reminds me of that style at times! Thanks for taking the time to check out the post. I'm glad it gave you some of my history with it. There is a link in there where you can go and look at all the cards from the first series on. Maybe you can find some inspiration in there! Take care buddy!

I will surely navigate through that link, thanks again! Cheers broo ✌️

Take care buddy.