Ancient Recall - AI Video Art and Human Experiences + Notebook Updates [en/spa]

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

It was like a dream beyond a dream. A call from that place lost in our memory. Maybe our life is a dream, and that call comes from what once was our reality. Our Home.

Era como un sueño más allá de un sueño. Una llamada desde aquel lugar perdido nuestra memoria. Tal vez la vida es un sueño, y esa llamada viene de lo que una vez fuera nuestra realidad. Nuestro hogar.

AI Art Experiences

I'm back after some days. Real life is keeping me busy, so had not much time to play with AIs. But I managed to make something I was eager for, a video. Never made one, so is a simple video, I hope to make the next better, at HD resolution and with music.

The VQGAN for video has been always juicy. I was eager to try it. But is also complicated and due recent Colab major updates, many stuff got broken. But at end fixed it, and gave a try. For it I have used a couple of the faces I have created, and included in my last post. The result is like an awesome trip hehe.

I had been to fix many stuff in the notebooks, but before tell all the changes, I'm gonna tell a little story.

Google Colab was working awfully until a week ago. The reason, bots. Since some people posted tutorials to create bots that creates AI artworks, mint them, and upload them to NFTs marketplaces, thousands of them were milking Colab services. and was impossible to get a decent GPU, even paying Colab Pro. At end Google solved this issue, but we got some colateral damages. So I had to remove all the anti-disconnect features from the notebooks, and the Google Drive feature in the one for the videos. And also many little fixes, here and there. To don't mention again, how they broken all the notebooks when made all the major updates to stop the bot waves. Anyway, everything is running fine again.

And that's all, I know that is a short post, but I still having busy days. Hope you like the video, and see you in the next one.

Después de algunos días ausente, estoy de vuelta. No he tenido mucho tiempo de jugar con las IAs, pues al vida real me ha tenido ocupado. Pero al menos he logrado hacer algo que hace tiempo que tenía ganas., un video. Nunca había hecho, así que espero que el siguiente me salga mejor, Con resolución en HD y música.

El notebook para video con VQGAN siempre ha sido jugoso. Estaba ansioso por probarlo. Aunque está complicado y además, con las actualizaciones recientes en Google Colab muchas cosas dejaron de funcionar bien. Pero al final, lo pude reparar, y le di una oportunidad. Para ello use un par de imágenes de retratos que hice e incluí en mi anterior publicación. El resultado es como una especie de viaje maravilloso hehe.

He tenido que reparar bastantes cosas en los notebooks, pero antes de decir que he hecho, quiero contar una pequeña historia.

Google Colab estuvo funcionando muy mal hasta hace una semana. Por culpa de los bots. Desde que algunas personas, publicaron tutoriales para hacer bots que crean arte con IAs, le hacen minting y lo publican en mercados de NFTs, miles de ellos se estaban comiendo todos los recursos de Google Colab, y era imposible conseguir una GPU decente, incluso pagando por Colab Pro. Al final Google ha solucionado el problema, pero hemos sufrido los daños colaterales. He tenido que eliminar las funciones anti-desconexión de todos los notebooks, y la función para usar Google Drive en el de los videos. Y también he tenido que hacer muchos arreglos pequeños, aquí y allá. Y no quiero volver a contar, como estropearon todos los notebooks cuando hicieron todas las actualizaciones para acabar con las oleadas de bots. De todas formas, por fin todo está funcionando bien otra vez.

Y esto es todo, se que ha salido una publicación corta, pero sigo teniendo unos días muy ocupados. Espero que os guste el video, nos vemos en la próxima ocasión.


Enhanced Original VQGAN+CLIP Notebook

Mse regularized Modified VQGAN+CLIP Notebook

VQGAN+CLIP with Video Features Notebook

Real ESRGAN 4x Notebook

All the content of this post is from my own.
Todo el contenido de este post es de mi autoría.

Images generated with VQGAN+CLIP, upscaled with Real-ESRGAN and edited with Photoshop.
Imágenes generadas VQGAN+CLIP, escaladas con Real-ESRGAN y editadas con Photoshop.

100% AI free writing.
Textos 100% libres de IA.


That nipple..... very trippy

I think y'all can blame me for the nipple training of the A.I. hahahah
sorry/not sorry

Blame? You trolled Skynet, you deserve a !PIZZA shaped reward!

Somebody has to do it


Yeah this AI is very naughty, my prompt has nothing to do with nipples and is not the first time that it happens!

Grab your !PIZZA!

I confirm ! it happens.

Lol yeah, it happens and it's @castleberry fault, he perverted these AI with his naughty experiments!

Grab this !PIZZA!

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The artwork was really good and interesting, and that nipple really stand out. LOL! !discovery 30

Google Colab was working awfully until a week ago... and was impossible to get a decent GPU, even paying Colab Pro.

I did experience it. I was running my research experiment on Collab and the GPU allocation seems really low, even when using a PRO version.

I did experience it. I was running my research experiment on Collab and the GPU allocation seems really low, even when using a PRO version.

Yeah it was awful, I was getting K80s and even P4s with Colab Pro...

And yes, the nipple this AI has some kind of fetish for them lol

I'm glad you liked the video, and thanks for comment and the curation as well.

Regards and !PIZZA!

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Very interesting how you created this animation

Thanks a lot, I ran out of PIZZA tokens today, so gave you my tiny upvote.


The whole bot-to-AI art conduit is so sci-fi, it would be really funny if it weren't so frustrating as an artist who is trying to use AI to create art with some actual value, both emotionally and visually. Bots being able to oversaturate the market for a quick buck hurts everyone except the few opportunists running the bots. I'm glad Google cracked down on it--I didn't realize that's what was up with Colab!

Great video, also! I love it!

Well, in fact the matter of the bots have been a disaster in many aspects. Part of the already ones mentioned, the NFT places got flooded with tons of random garbage...

At least Google cut out most of this crap, as most of the people can't afford a computer to run such stuff locally, 98$ of the bots where working via Colab.

Glad you loved the video, grab this !PIZZA!

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
jotakrevs tipped kaliyuga (x1)
jotakrevs tipped nikv (x1)
@jotakrevs(9/10) tipped @astrocreator (x2)
jotakrevs tipped castleberry (x1)
jotakrevs tipped juecoree (x1)
jotakrevs tipped ecency (x1)
aemile-kh tipped jotakrevs (x1)
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Just wanted to say thanks again for all your hard work and of course... your video was awesome and amazing! Keep up the great work bro!

You're very kind, thanks to you for your support and encouragement! (:

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Your art is truly beautiful. This moving work is fascinating, fluid, conveys particular emotions. Congratulations, I find your style very interesting, I will continue to follow your work. I am also an artist, my works have a different style, but I like to look at everything.

Thanks a lot for your kind comment! I don't have a defined style as the endless possibilities that offers this AI, invites to experiment with all sort of ideas and styles.

Regards and take this !PIZZA!

I am slowly approaching generative art, for now I still create everything, but the idea of ​​controlled randomness inspires me. I was talking a few days ago with @castleberry about this type of art, I consider AI a brush 2.0, it is an extra tool in the hands of the artist.

Yeah, controlled randomness, that's the beauty and the magic of this type of art! And yes, I see it like some kind of brush as well. Sometimes I think this is the same as when people started to remix music samples, decades ago.

Regards and take some more !PIZZA!

Great trip ! Too short. It's addictive. Moebius is haunting this pictural flow, that's a pleasure. Long live to the Immortals.
About the process, concentrating on the quality of the init picture is definitely an efficient approach to get better result. I noticed it also these last days of experiments with StyleGan3 and IC-GAN. I have still to read carefully your advices on the previous post.

About the Colab overload... I think it is a momentum of freedom, another 'temporary autonomous zone' that will be soon regulated and restricted and marketed as a consequence of bot abuse which is a sign of business emporwment. Until you can run everything locally, all those tech tools migth fail or disppear tomorrow.
Anyway, being on this wave is great.

Yeah, I got trapped looking at the video too, is like an addictive trip. My comment is not being much humble, considering that is my own artwork lol i don't consider it a marvel, but in general all these kind of videos are very catchy.

And yes, from my experience i an tell you that the quality of the image given, and specially how they are edited to play in your favor with how the AI interprets them, is the key.

I agree with most of what you said about the Colab overload, but I'm pessimistic about "Until you can run everything locally..."... tech is becoming more and more expensive, sin the product shortages... I was very luck as bought my computer one more before the GPU shortage madness started. Right now, my RTX 2070 Super OC is worth 3x the price I paid for it.

So I'm not sure that these tools gonna disappear, in fact I think we will need tools like these for along time...

Regards and grab the !PIZZA!

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The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

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