I would greatly appreciate it if you could take 30 seconds of your time and check my twitter profile for me! If you are willing:
click here ---> https://x.com/juliakponsford and tell me if you can see the shop feature circled in the screenshot below and comment with your country and device type (desktop or mobile)

You are probably wondering why? I spent ages trying to set this up and it wasn't working and the twitter documentation is terrible! After many frustrating google searches and tweaking in the twitter shop app I started to wonder if I am blocked due to being in Canada and confirmed my suspicions by trying a browser with a built in VPN on my phone and it suddenly appeared LOL. I suspect that it may only be available to US users on MOBILE but I am trying to confirm my suspicions so I would love to get some data points!
I don't use a VPN on desktop at all so I find it kind of amusing that it's there and I can't see it, anyways if you check for me and leave a comment I appreciate it very much <3
To follow on twitter, personal account, Alien Art Hive Community account <3
Hi Julia!
I'm in Venezuela but X is blocked in my country, lol. So I use a VPN, usually set for Brazil and I can't see it. Desktop.
Ty for your input ✨
I'm in the Netherlands, and as expected, I can't see the shop feature in the browser on mobile and desktop.
Thanks for checking I appreciate it 🙏
I can't see it.... I can't. I checked it twice... I live in Spain.😌
We are all blacklisted haha 🤣
Oops...we are so screwed.... 🤣
Canada on desktop does not show on my end. With VPN set to US, it shows. This wouldn't be a problem if we were the 51st state, just saying 😁
LOL true... ty for checking!
desktop here, doesn't show up on my end
Thanks do you mind stating your country?
awesome tks!
Not seeing it. Mobile from Italy
TY for checking!
Not visible from here. Philippines and using desktop.
Ty the replies are confirming my suspicions :)
I can't see the shop feature. It doesn't work on desktop version (I'm in Italy). ❤️
ty silvia <3
I can see it - laptop Windows from Germany
oh interesting, that's unexpected LOL. Thanks for checking
Sorry Julia! I can't help you because I don't have a Twitter account. I understand your frustration. Like a band-aid on a wound, I'm rooting for you!
It's so dumb that you can't see without an account now, you used to be able to!
@juliakponsford - not sure if relevant but maybe also VPN could change result if people muse it on their devices?
Yes for sure, I can only see it with a VPN from Canada!
I can see it (tested now) with VPN from Germany and the US, shall i test the world :-)?
It's funny another in Germany said they couldn't, kind of confusing
Indeed strange -maybe a X thing?
Saludos @juliakponsford excelente trabajo, enhorabuena!!
This does not work on Desktop and Mobile. Brazil
Hi @juliakponsford, I just read your post and went to search in X, as the post was already days old I scanned in X to find your post of that day. I found it, I liked it and took the opportunity to follow you.
I am in Venezuela, to be able to enter X I need VPN, I use it in my cell phone and I am located in the USA.
I hope you find this information useful.