I'll be making a post about the art share event this weekend! It will most likely entail doing a high amount of editions with a low price, we've done an event like this in the past and it allowed artists to collect from one another and also let some people dip their toes into collecting for the first time! I hope we will get a lot of participants so start preparing art!
~~~ embed:1735392677883986233?t=EHpN-AzLpgUwbVzX3-MWTQ&s=19 twitter metadata:TmZ0U2hvd3Jvb218fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTmZ0U2hvd3Jvb20vc3RhdHVzLzE3MzUzOTI2Nzc4ODM5ODYyMzN8 ~~~