Updates to My Library of AI Colab Notebooks (Finally)!!!

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

I've been saying I was going to update my AI notebook library for months, but things keep changing and improving so fast that, by the time I learn a new notebook well enough to use it, a new update or new technique is released. The breakneck speed shows no signs of abating, but I decided I'd go ahead and add a few of the most impressive notebooks that have emerged recently to the library, anyway! This will probably be out of date as soon as I hit publish, but that's not a bad thing--being involved in an art form that's evolving as quickly as this one is incredibly exciting. I hope this excites some of you guys, too!

Without further ado, here are the new tomes I added to the Library; you can see them in context in the post linked above!

9. JAX Clip-Guided Diffusion

Authors: Katherine Crowson and John David Pressman
Notebook Link [Via Gituhub] "The models are denoising diffusion probabilistic models (https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11239), which are trained to reverse a gradual noising process, allowing the models to generate samples from the learned data distributions starting from random noise."

10. CLIP Guided Deep Image Prior


Description: Creates soft, print-like images quite unlike what you generally get out of other CLIP-guided diffusion models
Authors: Daniel Russell, based on work by Katherine Crowson and Ryan Murdock
Notebook Link

11. Disco Diffusion


Description: My daily drive; Very high quality image results very quickly; comes fully loaded with 3D animation capabilities and the latest Clip models.
Authors: Somnai and Adam Letts
Notebook Link

12. Disco Diffusion Turbo

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Description: A fork of Disco which speeds up and cleans up 3D animation significantly. I also use this all the time!
Author: Chris Allen
Notebook Link
Bonus by Chris Allen Notebook: Wiggle Standalone Keyframe Generator; lets you generate keyframe instructions that give you fine control over Turbo's motion.

  1. Disco Diffusion Turbo

notebook not found

Will you be publishing any further updates to the pixel collab notebooks?
Thank you for sharing your work with the communities!

This is so beautiful, i love the color and depth of the work. Well done

Well done! The available technologies are growing in capacity!