
It would seem I am on a roll - making drawings and all. But truth is I have been a bit ill and have, for that reason, taken some time off :) I have been reading a lot and that is one of the best ways to spend your life, together with sleeping, walking, biking, singing and other basic things.

Today I have made a mermaid. I think she is cute, and it is, if nothing else, classic Katharsisdrill if I dare say so myself.



Link to the high resolution file


It's nice when you can just be creative and also enjoy the creations of others. My work can be a bit boring and I need those escapes. I think mermaids need to be a little scary. It's a lady with a fish tail!


Yes, I actually wanted her to be more scary, but those fisheyes didn't really do the trick and then I settled for cute :)

It's great how you're spending your time, real healthy stuff that I try to do too. I didn't even know you were ill, I hope you're getting better?