Para iniciar este primer diseño lo eh llamado Zoony netrix Guardiana espacial del ejercito estelar del planeta Cortnitron 6, Zoony es la hija de una familia humilde de bajos recursos del planeta Romblet, la familia de Zoony para sobrevivir su padre trabajaba en una mina de cristales de Trinums un material muy preciado para la fabricacion de armamento y tambien era utilizado para la potencia que necesitaban las naves para poder hacer sus viajes interestelares.
Un dia su padre murio en una explosion en la mina debido a una mala colocacion de las cargas explosivas fue entonces cuando el Rey del planeta tomo la decicion de que para compensar el error del padre de Zoony su madre y hermana deverian ir a trabajar a las minas o ella tendria que unirse a su ejercito ya que este habia tenido demasiadas bajas en el ultimo intento por retomar un territorio de los piratas espaciales, unos sanguinareos asesinos y mercenarios muchos de ellos profugos de la justicia de la guardia espacial.
Zoony Fue entrenada desde pequeña por la Comandante Lenox Aitana una conocida combatiente y galardonada por ser una de las mejores soldados de la guardia espacial, Lenox formo parte del escuadron que peleo un la batalla de los universos contra la Reina Nandea soberana del planeta Qhartia, planeta que es conocido por su rebeldia y sed por el poder y ser los mas dominantes del universo dicha reina es conocida por ser cruel, fria, calculadora y despiadada para ella solo existen dos opciones o estas con ella o estas en su contra y nadie mas que ella puede juzgar si tu eres valioso o no como para estar en su presencia.
Tambien en este escuadron encontramos al teniente Xfeorr, un soldado de alta elite descendiente del mitico Coronel Daher Xfeorr es el compañero de escuadron y segundo al mando de Aitana asi como tambien es su compañero de vida ambos son los sobrevivientes de esa gran batalla y ahora se dedican a capturar y frustrar los planes de la Reina con su escuadron el cual completan Rexeus especialista en armamento y tacticas de incursion y espionaje, un elemento valioso reclutado hace ya unos años por Xfeorr asi tambien encontramos a Midione una chica con un temperamento explosivo asi como lo es su especialidad los explosivos y el valor y coraje para ir al frete de ataque pero no solo eso es su talento sino que ella tambien es una amplia conocedora de la tecnologia y mecanica espacial es capaz de hacer volar una nave aun asi sea una chatarra no te dejes engañar por su aspecto tranquilo y tierno porque Midione es una maquina de matar.
A Continuación te muestro a nuestro escuadron elite y a la reina y los piratas espaciales:
Zoony a conseguido a base de disciplina, esfuerzo,sudor, lagrimas y sangre ganarse un lugar en el escuadron lo cual le a valido para ser la mujer de confianza de Aitana, mas aun luego de la ultima mision en la que ella se lanzo al campamento enemigo en una mision catalogada suicida pero ella no dejaria a su compañera y amiga Midione quien habia sido capturada en una redada mientras patrullaba la zona de conflicto en busca de victimas de la guardia espacial y civiles luego de un ataque de los mercenarios de la reina Nandea.
Zoony entro al campamento sigilosamente por el lado trasero y armada con su cuchillo y un arma con silenciador fue abriendose paso hasta que se sintio acorralada y debio esconderse en una alcantarilla para luego que en uno de los combates saliera herida y uno de los mercenarios dio el aviso de ataque Zoony espero pacientemente exahusta, luego de unas horas todo se calmo y salio hasta llegar al calabozo donde vio a Midione muy mal Herida atada de manos a una viga de madera ya que los mercenarios la estaban interronagando a golpes ya que tenian mucho odio a Midione pues sabian era una de las que mas veces habia frustrado los planes de la reina.
Zoony la desamarro le dio su hombro para apoyarse y salieron del lugar no sin antes ambas pelear hombro a hombro contra los mercenarios cuando se vieron acorraladas y sin salida apunto de morir a manos de los mercenarios Midione solamente cerro sus ojos esperando el final y fue cuando ella escucho una rafaga de armas y una explosion era Rexeus y Aitana en la nave de combate que llegaron al rescate gracias a que con su ultimo aliento antes de caer desmayada por la perdida de sangre y el combate Zoony activo el control que daria la señal de extraccion, y salieron de ahi luego de unas semanas de recuperacion Zoony fue llevada hasta el rey donde fue condecorada y su familia fue reconocida con una mejor posicion economica en ese momento Zoony rompio en llanto pues la meta por la que siempre lucho y soporto el arduo entrenamiento y le dio coraje para las batallas al fin estaba cumplido su madre y hermana y la memoria de su padre habian sido puestos en alto y les habia dado una mejor vida tal y como se los prometio.
Fin de la historia, espero le haya gustado tanto los diseños como la corta historia creada sobre el personaje principal Zoony en los proximos dias estare subiendolos diseños a mi tienda de nfts asi como tambien se vendra un nuevo sorteo con uno de estos diseños, asi mismo espero subir un par exclusivos a Nftshowroom una vez mas muchas gracias por su apoyo sus comentarios y vamos a seguir creciendo juntos y hacer mas grande la comunidad, si gustan pueden seguirme en mis redes y en vimm.
hasta la proxima amigos Bye.
To start this first design I have called it Zoony netrix Space guardian of the stellar army of the planet Cortnitron 6, Zoony is the daughter of a humble family of low resources from the planet Romblet, Zoony's family to survive her father worked in a crystal mine Trinums a very precious material for the manufacture of weapons and was also used for the power that the ships needed to be able to make their interstellar trips.
One day his father died in an explosion in the mine due to a wrong placement of the explosive charges, it was then that the King of the planet made the decision that to compensate for the mistake of Zoony's father, his mother and sister should go to work at mines or she would have to join his army since it had had too many casualties in the last attempt to retake a territory from space pirates, bloodthirsty murderers and mercenaries, many of them fugitives from justice from the space guard.
Zoony She was trained since she was little by Commander Lenox Aitana, a well-known combatant and awarded for being one of the best soldiers of the space guard, Lenox was part of the squad that fought a battle of the universes against Queen Nandea, sovereign of the planet Qhartia, planet who is known for her rebellion and thirst for power and being the most dominant in the universe, said queen is known for being cruel, cold, calculating and ruthless for her there are only two options or you are with her or you are against her and no one else but she can judge if you are valuable or not to be in her presence.
Also in this squad we find Lieutenant Xfeorr, a high elite soldier descendant of the mythical Colonel Daher Xfeorr is Aitana's squad mate and second in command as well as his life partner both are survivors of that great battle and now they They dedicate themselves to capturing and frustrating the Queen's plans with her squad, which is completed by Rexeus, a specialist in weapons and incursion and espionage tactics, a valuable element recruited a few years ago by Xfeorr, as well as Midione, a girl with an explosive temperament as well as Her specialty is explosives and the courage and courage to go to the attack front, but not only is that her talent, but she is also very knowledgeable about technology and space mechanics, she is capable of making a ship fly even if it is a piece of junk. Don't be fooled by his calm and cute appearance because Midione is a killing machine.
Next I show you our elite squad and the queen and the space pirates:
Through discipline, effort, sweat, tears and blood, Zoony has managed to earn a place in the squad, which has earned her to be Aitana's trusted woman, even more so after the last mission in which she launched into the camp. enemy in a mission labeled suicide but she would not leave her companion and friend Midione who had been captured in a raid while patrolling the conflict zone in search of space guard victims and civilians after an attack by Queen Nandea's mercenaries .
Zoony entered the camp stealthily from the back side and armed with her knife and a weapon with a silencer she made her way until she felt cornered and had to hide in a sewer and then in one of the combats she was injured and one of the mercenaries gave the blow. attack warning Zoony waited patiently exhausted, after a few hours everything calmed down and he went out until he reached the dungeon where he saw Midione very badly Wounded with her hands tied to a wooden beam since the mercenaries were questioning her with blows since they had a lot of hatred to Midione because they knew she was one of the ones who had frustrated the queen's plans the most times.
Zoony untied her and gave her his shoulder to lean on and they left the place but not before they both fought shoulder to shoulder against the mercenaries when they found themselves cornered and with no way out about to die at the hands of the mercenaries Midione only closed her eyes waiting for the end and that was when She heard a burst of weapons and an explosion. It was Rexeus and Aitana in the combat ship that came to the rescue thanks to the fact that with her last breath before falling unconscious due to loss of blood and the combat, Zoony activated the control that would give the signal of extraction, and they left there after a few weeks of recovery Zoony was taken to the king where she was decorated and her family was recognized with a better economic position at that moment Zoony broke down in tears because the goal for which she always fought and endured the arduous training and gave him courage for battles was finally fulfilled his mother and sister and the memory of his father had been held up and he had given them a better life too him and as promised.
End of story, I hope you liked both the designs and the short story created about the main character Zoony. In the next few days I will be uploading the designs to my nfts store, as well as a new giveaway with one of these designs, as well. I hope to upload an exclusive pair to Nftshowroom once again thank you very much for your support and comments and we will continue to grow together and make the community bigger, if you like you can follow me on my networks and on vimm.
until next time friends bye.
These all turned out super awesome! I love the way you animated each one. This is a really cool idea and theme! Keep up the great work and hopefully you will be posting more often! Cheers bro
Hey, thanks friend, yes, I have a little more free time to keep posting more often and I already have several designs ready for the next posts, thank you very much for your comment, thanks for the support 🥳😊
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