Hello! How are you? I am so proud of myself today. I accomplished a lot of things, and I am getting better at managing my time. Yehet! For my entry for this week, I drew Eleanor Bravefoot I chose her because of her uniqueness maybe we are compatible with each other so I knew it. She did not fail me.
The Process:
I knew from the start that Eleanor would never fail me and indeed she not fail me. When I feel like I sketch something and nothing wrong happens, that cycle is going to continue. I used a marker detail brush to draw the sketch, It looked messy but it is going to get better later. :D
I still used the detailed marker for the final line art what I did to achieve this clean line art was to adjust the stabilization of the brush and let the brush do its work.
For this part, I first darkened the background which made adding the base color easier and I used shape shape-fill brush to make life easier and better. LOL, I always make sure that every part has its own layer.
Next, I added the base render so that I would know which is which part I am going to focus on. I used the soft airbrush to do the rendering.
Then I darkened again the background to make it tone up the character, what I want to do is to add a dark background and I am still thinking about what color I am going to use.
In this part I am starting to add more detail to her for example her hair I love rendering hair lately because I discovered a brush that makes my life easier and If you're using Krita like me that brush's name is Rake Bristle Dry brush. When I was doing this part I liked to lower the opacity of the line art gradually, I do not depend on the line art so she needed to go LOL.
For the final process, I added the light surrounding her which is one of the reasons why I chose her. and then I decided to turn the background color to purple-violet.
Original Character
Thank you for visiting. See you on my next blog. :D
Please take care of your mental health as well.
I hope you are okay today :))
Gear: XP-Pen Deco 1 v2
Program: Krita
Duration: 5 hours

Thanks for sharing! - @isaria