Neon Color! Honata Illustration

Hello everyone! How are you doing today? I hope your doing well, as always!

Another Honata Illustration is finished, I finished it yesterday. As you can see, Honata isn't wearing her usual attire uniform and cloak, that's because I wanted to draw something more colorful, more powerful, going outside my comfort zone a little with the colors and experimenting with how it will turn out, this picture is the final product of that! The idea was Honata wearing street-style clothing, the deep shadows would be as black as the outline, while others will just be another color, not entirely tied to the original color but darker, no, another color to make the Image POP and COLORFUL!

I got the Idea of this when I first saw this Illustration made by a Colorful Stage staff, the character is Ichika Hoshino, from Project Sekai, the pose, her expression, the angle, everything looked so cool and so I wanted to try drawing Honata in that pose, but as you can see, I made the drawing more of a diagonal viewpoint. And I can see that there's still ways I could've improved in terms of angles and such, but I am, still, proud of how it turned out

Insporation Image (Colorful Stage JP ver)

Insporation Image (Colorful Stage: Project SEKAI)

All the Images you can see on top, were my Insporation for my drawing, and guided me to how I wanted it to look, it was like a set goal which I wanted to accomplish with the final result, do you think that I achieved my set goal?

↓ Information about the Artwork ↓
App: IbisPaintx
Time: 11h 38min
Canvas Size: 2457x2135
Date: dec 10th

Yes as you can see I worked quite a while on it, I still have artblock so on a few days I pushed it back a bit, or just didn’t draw much.

↓ Progress of the Artwork ↓

↑ as usual, I started off with a shape that is the base idea of what kind of angle and pose I wanted.

↑ a rough sketch, took a bit of corrections on the shirt folds and shoes, however, I managed making it look likeable.

↑ this is the lineart, I decided to add the black shadows right away to not have to do it later, also, it is easier to know where the shadows are when you add the actual color.

↑ colors, at this point, I thought it didn't look as colorful as I hoped/imagined, but, I trudged on with the mindset that it WILL look as colorful as I imagined when I add more colors, and the background.

↑ I started shading some of the hair, and added a layer of the background, regarding the background, at this point I didn't quite know what I wanted to go with, with the background, so I decided to stop worrying about it until I get there.

↑ some more shading, I was unhappy with how the shadow color of the shirt looked, since it looked muddy and not as colorful as I hoped it would, so I fixed it later!

↑ I started working on the background, I decieded to go with a backstreet alley kind if background, since Honata is wearing street clothing, I thought it would fit. As you can see, I also saturated the shirt shadows more!

↑ I attempted to add a bit of graffiti on the wall behind Honata, although now I think it looks a bit off and I definetly could've done better, but I also could've done worse, so I am not completely unhappy!

↑ For the finale i added bricks patterns behind Honata on the wall and a few splashes to tie she scene together, I also blurred most of the background around her in order to make the viewer focus mainly on Honata instead of the other colorful stuff!

Psst spoiler, I will be working on a Honata christmas Image, yes, like last year! Although this time, I will try my best to surpass what I did last year!

What do you think? Did I do good?

As always I appreciate any kind of Interactions and any support

-Yours truly


Wow, incredible good one. Respect. Well done. 👏🏼💪🏼🙏🏼👌🏼

Very nice, reminds me a bit of cyberpunk