
How about a snakebite that turns you into a super-snake? With manners ofc :)

You mean a Vampire that makes You one of his own...
And Yeah,
Vampires (real ones) have a Very Good Manners....

Correct, now we're talking!

Yeah, I have been "exposed" to these kinds of things My whole life...
You get an understanding of the behavior and personality, and they do have personality...

Yep, a selfie and a coffee date won't hurt every once in a while... Yes?

Well I don't mingle...
But I did forget to mention something..
And don't get Me wrong, I don't think I am the this or that -
just what I have seen...
You "may" be having problems because You found Me,
They have a problem.with that...
I did not think it would be a.issue,
But it.may be...

Oh, Les, they have a problem with everyone...
And for the record, I've been having problems for almost 5 years now... You're fine :)