Found Art by the Shore

in Alien Art Hivelast year


Fantastic view. Just sit back and watch the world go by. The waves coming and going. The ships gliding across the strait. On the sky, the clouds lazily roll by. No past. No future. Just this moment, and this soft breeze.

Further down the road, I come across some unexpected scene. I wasn’t looking for it. No committee rubber stamped it. The scene was there waiting like a gratuitous grace.


I like the blue colour, and how it was used. It nicely combines with the ocean, the mountains, and the sky around it.


The seaweed paintings on the wall at knee height makes the area feel immersive and gives one the sensation of being on the shore, right along with the Great Blue heron.


On the stairs, the support wall is painted with a seal, an otter, and a deer. I like how each animal has its own niche-appropriate background. The seal appears to float around in a kelp forest. The deer (which for some reason is melting on the bench) is standing against a background of mountains. And the otter... ah well, the otter looks like it ate the wrong kind of mushrooms.


I like how the artists didn’t just stick to traditional native design but also experimented with more abstract forms traditional in western art. The aqua marine touches nicely compliment the scene.


Murals fascinate me because they provide constraints and opportunities to the artist. Each surface is a blank canvass. I can only imagine how difficult it must've been for renaissance artists who had to use Church ceilings as their working surfaces.


Going down the stairs gives me immense pleasure, as if I'm discovering some grand lost temple on the wide open sea.


Images by @litguru

NFT Showroom Gallery
Leo Threads


Definitely some cool art!

I love hidden gems 😄

Wow! Hahaha I am blown away by this harmonious atmosphere! The use of blue color in the paintings beautifully compliments the ocean so well. Amazing murals. My favorite is the eagle and the seal. You always discover beautiful places. Beautifully shot. 😊

Thank you @bigabigail. That eagle rocks. It was skillfully painted and shows vigor. It is fun wandering around and coming up on these types of pieces that one would never otherwise see. I'm happy you enjoyed it.