m16uellop cross-posted this post in Alien Art Hive 3 months ago

Let's Make a Collage - Theme Contest #2 / imaginación

in Let's Make a Collage3 months ago (edited)

Hola tengo el honor de participar en esta iniciativa creativa de collages temáticos en su segunda edición, este mes le toca a darle "sentido a la vida", para mí esto no tiene una respuesta fácil, pero cada quien según va viviendo, comprende su entorno, consigue sus gustos, aquello que le desagrada o descubre cosas ocultas y así aprecia podemos apreciar lo maravilloso que es uno, de esta forma empezamos a conseguir el sentido a la vida, imagínate ser tu propio admirador.

En el caso de mi collage, lo preparé un poco a consciencia y otro tanto dejando fluir, asi que de este arte puedo sacar los siguientes mensajes:

"No importa que tanta vergüenza tengas, ni tus prisiones mentales, ni tus limitaciones, dentro de ti está el mundo que quieres, lleno de ideas y lugares donde estar o visitar. Hoy es un sueño, solo sé paciente y pesca las oportunidades, no importa que te sientas solo, el universo, tus espíritus guías y la madre tierra te acompañan."

O también se me ocurre que "dentro de ti están las ideas y soluciones, solo prepárate y péscalas de tu imaginación"...

Sobre la elaboración ya tenía una imagen de una amiga que llevaba un turbante en la cabeza y una foto de un anillo de panal de abejas que hice hace unos días y que pronto publicaré el paso a paso, este fue mi punto de partida, quería una composición relativamente simple, fui buscando elementos para complementar la obra en LIL.


Imagen tomada con mi celular de mi amiga, le tapé el rostro, jajaja.

Anillo de panal, foto tomada por mí.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @hernleon74.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @evagavilan2.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @osomar357.

Imagen de JackieLou DL en Pixabay



@lmac 20% / @quantumg 2% / @hernleon74 2% / @evagavilan2 2% / @mynatasha 2% / @osomar357 2%

Espero le guste mi post.... tu like y comentario me alegran la vida así que no lo dudes y dame ese cariñito.... JAJAJAJa.


English / Google Translate

Hello, I have the honor of participating in this creative initiative of thematic collages in its second edition, this month it's time to give "meaning to life", for me this doesn't have an easy answer, but each one as he/she lives, understands his/her environment, gets his/her tastes, what he/she dislikes or discovers hidden things and thus we can appreciate how wonderful one is, in this way we begin to get the meaning of life, imagine being your own admirer.

In the case of my collage, I prepared it a bit consciously and a bit letting it flow, so from this art I can get the following messages:

"It doesn't matter how much shame you have, or your mental prisons, or your limitations, inside you is the world you want, full of ideas and places to be or visit. Today is a dream, just be patient and fish for opportunities, it doesn't matter if you feel alone, the universe, your spirit guides and mother earth are with you."

Or it also occurs to me that "inside you are the ideas and solutions, just be prepared and fish them from your imagination"...

Regarding the elaboration I already had an image of a friend wearing a turban on her head and a photo of a honeycomb ring that I made a few days ago and that I will soon publish the step by step, this was my starting point, I wanted a relatively simple composition, I went looking for elements to complement the work in LIL.


Picture taken with my cell phone of my friend, I covered her face, hahaha.

Honeycomb ring, photo taken by me.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @hernleon74.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @evagavilan2.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @mynatasha.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @osomar357.

Image by JackieLou DL in Pixabay



@lmac 20% / @quantumg 2% / @hernleon74 2% / @evagavilan2 2% / @mynatasha 2% / @osomar357 2%

I hope you like my post.... your like and comment brighten my life so don't hesitate and give me that love.... LOLOLOLOL.