Rare Mutant Aliens

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago


This is really incredible, only creativity is in one.

Realmente la inteligencia artificial es algo que la podemos utilizar para recrear nuestros diseño o ir mas alla de la creatividad

Really, artificial intelligence is something that we can use to recreate our designs or go beyond creativity.


Estas imágenes son algunas de las cosas raras que se crearon. No es lo que tenia en mente pero me gustan

These images are some of the rare things that were created. It's not what I had in mind but I like it


Lo mas dificil es tratar de transmitir con las palabras correctas lo que uno quiere crear.

Pero mas alla de todo este mundo de la inteligencia artificial, me inspira a poder crear mas arte y llevarlo al siguente nivel.

Tal vez malñana tenga me levante con una idea milenaria.

Espero que les guste esta pequela reflexion.
Muchas gracias por pasar y que tengas buen dia

The most difficult thing is trying to process with the correct words what one wants to create.

But beyond this whole world of artificial intelligence, it inspires me to be able to create more art and take it to the next level.

Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with an ancient idea.

I hope you like this little reflection.
Thank you very much for stopping by and have a nice day


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