Nice one brother. I love your creativity — using different objects as metaphors and symbols to pass a message across... Through your words which speak in volumes, explained better your creative point and what you intend to pass across...
Nice one brother. I love your creativity — using different objects as metaphors and symbols to pass a message across... Through your words which speak in volumes, explained better your creative point and what you intend to pass across...
Thanks man. I just felt to replace it that way when I saw something similar to that which inspired. Then, the idea of coming up with the message erupted.
Getting better in art requires a lot of sacrifices and patience but some feel it is impossible when ever they pick up pen/pencil and tried just once or twice.
That's really good, Comrade. I enjoyed reading your words; you actually passed your message in a good style — in a very captivating way — the message is profound and inspiring as well...
You're right, creativity requires perseverance, patience, and hardwork, too; It's all about trying and never relent till it gets better and better, till you become a PRO...
Thanks man. I guess you haven't sent this post I shared earlier which you requested for....
Yes, I missed it. And thanks for calling my attention to it... I've commented on it, you could check it out