Greetings my friends, as the days pass, I find myself spending more and more time learning how best to communicate with some AI art generators. So let's dive into my favorite 10 images from this last week.
(10). This Chicken. This is what I believe a chicken would look like after crossing the gates out of the slaughterhouse. Free at last!
(9). Elon Musk, as the Mayor of Whoville.
(8). What I believe a guy would look like if you mix Snoop Dogg and Gandhi. Zen AF.
(7). Vitalik, waiting for his chance to sit on Santas lap to ask him for Eth for Christmas.
(6). Your favorite inFluenCooR ::cough:: scammer ::cough:: Scott Melker
(5). I'm a believer that Die Hard is a Christmas movie- so, here is Hans. Ho HO HO
(4). A partridge in a pear tree.. (obviously)
(3). Inspiration from Breaking Bad
(2). This Book cover I created, obviously based off of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. "How Caroline Ellison Stole Your Crypto"
(1). This bad ass Grinch Gnome. I would love to 3d print this guy and put him on my lawn.. If I had a lawn that is...
Thanks again friends for stopping by. These tools are getting better DAY BY DAY. It's absolutely amazing, and I am blessed to be in a position where I play with them. Stay well and warm friends.
Catch ya next time.