I haven't checked at all but I did just now have a brief look and i'm very intrigued... Thanks! Can't wait to check this out deeper
freedom to less artistically inclined people to participate in creating.
That's pretty much it yeah, it's increasing a certain type of freedom in the everyday lives of everyday people. Seems like nothing but inspiration to me =)
I tend to kind of see it the same way. If one is truly a good or great artist... they will continue to create with whatever tools they are inspired to use. I think AI is an accelerant for creativity and production. @ kaliyuga has been designing models to use this tech to create video games.
So, instead of having to learn graphic arts and all the time-consuming aspects of character design and environments, etc., these models could use AI to do a lot of the legwork. I see this potentially as a great benefit. How many people have video games inside their imagination but lack the technical skills to make it come to fruition? I don't want to go on too much about all this but it's fascinating.
These same kinds of operations will probably saturate into many more facets of society and life in general moving forward into the future if i had to guess. I will be curious to see how this kind of tech may be able to help in other fields besides art once it really gets rolling.
Oh yeah juliak also recommended kaliyuga, I already checked out - a little overwhelmed at the moment, maybe because I'm working at the same time, but IMPRESSED
But you're right yeah the benefits for the everyday person is immense, if anything it's more just liberating people in the way everyone is fighting for. I can imagine entire MMORPG's built on the premise of AI-generated images, each stage or zone designed conceptually from the image created. A great human art, in this sense, could be born from AI. A lot of exciting opportunities, I reckon.
Heya! I've been summoned!! I am always, always down for a good ole chat about ai art, art philosophy, and related topics. Lately I've been more active over on Twitter(@kaliyuga_ai), but Hive (specifically Alien Art Hive) is my home, and I'm trying to split my time more effectively.
Have you tried out Stable Diffusion yet? You can play around with it super easily in beta.dreamstudio.ai (you get 200 free generation credits for just participating in the beta). It looks like you may have been using Wombo to create your pieces up there. Wombo is an awesome way to dip your toes into AI art, but it uses a really outdated pipeline/model, and the field has advanced really far in the meantime :)
Github. Additionally, like @juliakponsford and @castleberry said, I have a ton of free models available in colab notebook form on my
Edit to add: I have an ai art community on Hive that's pretty defunct right now, but maybe I should put more effort into promoting it. It's C/The Latent Space :)
Hey yes I have suddenly heard so much about you haha... well I know almost nothing about art in general, let alone the deeper philosophical world of AI renderings. I'm the musician kind of artist, or fake artist, as artists like to call us.
The images were starryai, but I couldn't tell you which AI it uses. All I know is, obsolete or not, it creates by far and away my favourite images from the prompts and images I provide. I got access to Dalle and got essentially nothing that I wanted whatsoever. I tried a couple of others with pretty dull results, too.
I mean look at this freak show!
Love it.
I'm attempting to sign up to this beta thing now! Though tbh this is all very overwhelming!
Let me know if you need any help!! I've made the official quickstart videos for DreamStudio and I've written a bunch of tutorials about various aspects of AI art :)
I forwarded your existence to my girlfriend @porkjelly =D she's getting into it deep!
Work or not, it's all overwhelming to be honest. You aren't too late to the party it has just grown so fast... i haven't been able to keep up. It's a fun exploration process... when it's not too frustrating. hahaha I feel like with AI art and Blockchain tech etc that we are like in the Wild West 2.0 with a digital fronteir.

Yeah cheers to that. I've been in the blockchain world since like 2012 or something? On Hive/Steem since 2016. I used to read all the updates and hardforks every chance I got and even now I basically don't know what the hell I'm doing.
But then again I do have the IQ of a sunflower
I didn't get into blockchain until i joined Hive/Steem in late 2017 so it's been a fun journey ever since. I still have no idea what's going on! hahaha It was crazy though i took some time off of Steemit and came back to the whole Hive hardfork and theft drama. It took a bit of catching up on the context and i'm so glad that Hive is what Steem coulda shoulda woulda been.