What news awaits us in a week? Has it started?

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)


The latest news makes you think.... What does the press say?
A U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a UFO over Lake Huron near the Canadian border.
The plane was first spotted over Montana on Saturday, Feb. 11, according to the Pentagon. He was observed in Wisconsin and Michigan on Sunday. The object was shot down about 25,000 feet above Lake Huron on the orders of Joe Biden.
The object, which looked like a threaded octagonal structure, posed a potential threat to civil aviation, according to U.S. authorities.


Oh oh oh! If this goes on, then the next note will look like this:

Attention! Attention!

On February 20, 2023, an unidentified flying object shot down over the United States. This happened in Washington state, and it caused a major panic among residents. The crash site was a military base where military personnel examined the crash and took samples. Several pieces of debris washed up on the east coast where they were collected and analyzed by representatives from the U.S. government. Several pieces of debris had strange hieroglyphics on them which suggested that this was a top-secret program to investigate flying objects.


To begin, a U.S. Marine Corps plane shot down a supposed unidentified flying object over the east coast. The plane was en route from Maryland to North Carolina when it detected an unidentified flying object hovering above it. The crew of the plane fired at it with their machine guns, but they didn't seem to affect it. They eventually flew close enough to make sure that it wasn't an aircraft or a drone before shooting it down with a missile. After this successful attempt at shooting down an unidentified flying object, the rest of the crew landed their plane and proceeded to collect information about the crash site.


A NASA astronaut reported seeing a UFO shoot down an object in the Pacific Ocean. He observed a large object descending toward the ocean from outer space. He believed that the object must have been trying to land in the ocean when he saw a bright light appear above it and then engulf it. Afterward, several large pieces broke off and landed in the ocean, where several large fish ate them. A representative from NASA collected samples from these fish to learn more about what happened and what sustenance these fish had after swallowing alien debris.


A private plane reported a UFO shooting down an object over New York's Northeast region. The pilot reported seeing an object fall out of the sky toward his aircraft- not far from his destination. He could not avoid crashing into the object since he was also in flight- so he landed his plane and retrieved his passengers before collecting more information about the object. While examining it, they felt as if they were being watched as if someone or something were inside of it observing them while hiding behind something big. They felt as if they were being tailed back to their airport where they landed their plane again. Once they got back to their airport, they called the authorities to report what had happened and what they had seen in midair.


Based on what has been presented so far in this essay, there seem to be several different opinions about what an unidentified flying object is and whether or not such objects exist at all or are part of someone's imagination. In other words, there are several possible conclusions one could draw from these incidents; some believe that such objects do exist while others dismiss any reports as hoaxes or misunderstandings caused by various factors such as fatigue or hallucinations brought on by extreme weather conditions or other factors affecting human perception in abnormal ways at extremely abnormal times (such as during a meteor storm). In any case, similar incidents have occurred around the world in recent years which leave many residents uneasy and on edge- but is there any real evidence that such objects are real? What is better, that it was just a fantasy or the truth? Who knows... The world seems to be really on the edge…

All illustrations created with AI