My University UNEARTE Students Making Dragons - @nahupuku "Puku"👽 - 2024
University Students making cool art.

The Dragons Art Expo:
Hi to all - PukuGreetings/PukuSaludos, Im a Professor In the most important Art University of my country Venezuela, and Im going to show you some of theirs art pieces, this time its about Dragons, Medieval Art Theme, I hope that you like it, this posts will become a part of a Digital/Virtual Art Expo that we going to show you today. The students make it around 2 months with different art techniques and styles, they are VERY talented so I hope that you like our showroom. Some of them like: @viktoriaarts and @nathan-art, are art creators to Hive, others have a Hive acoount but they use NFTShowroom for mint theirs art pieces.
Final Artworks:
by @nathan-art
by @leidyg-art (new Hive user)
Others Artists:
Class Group Section 9 and 10 students making art pieces.
Clase Grupo Sección 9 y 10 creando obras de arte.

My NFTShowroom gallery:
PukuEdición by me - 2024 - NNR
Fractal Art posts:
And some posts RELATED NFT in Hive:
And My discord channel PKM:

PukuEdición by me, 2024 - NNR

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

Happy seeing this all combined together in one post, great work!
Yeah it's a better way for making a first step for the virtual expo because we don't have physical spaces at the moment to exhibit the works, then I thought of using the post as a first sample and motivate student artists to create more works. Soon I will do a post of Egyptian works, and then one of ethnic works that the kids did a few months ago.