I love your creativity.
Most of the platforms you mentioned I don't know... and I tried to enter one and I couldn't. I'm not sure how to do it. Being in Cuba is a problem, they block you, they take you out of places. A few months ago I had to stop being a copy trader because BingX decided to evict Cubans and so on.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that I really like this ongoing project. 🙌 Thank you for pointing out Prelinger archives.
I'm not sure if rodeo is still invite only, was the site fully blocked for you? I can grab you an invite I think if you want to give it a try 😭
Prelinger archives are very fun to browse around, there's so much good content, a lot of garbage too though lol
Yeah, stuck here... it obviously doesn't work.
at some point when I've got more organised with the pending stuff I have here at home, I'll try VPN.
Thanks, Julia.