My purple snake is a wall with a single eye (Artwork)

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)

Hello folks, I took some pictures of a wall in Amsterdam where there was a nice graffitin above the level of the sea and I blended this photography of mine with some Halo Concept's Arts in the "Midjourney Engine" and the result is lovely, it ain't that much but it is honest work.

Warning important information

(CC) (BY) Affolter Matias


It is interesting what can be achieved with a few photos and artificial intelligence. It would be nice if you could share the originals, so one can better appreciate the results. Regards.

This a photo I took while in amsterdam and for the other images they are conception artworks of various Halo video game. The colour of this graff blend with earth, air, water yet not fire but is very vibrant nevertheless in my spirit so I used for mostly every images in this article.

Cool. The results look great. They reflect what you expressed in the comment. Thanks for taking the time to respond and show the original. Have a nice weekend.