Far from now - Digital Art [EN | DE]

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago


Hi Hivian 🖖

Thanks for stopping by. :-)
With this post I would like to present one of my recent excursions into the world of science fiction art and to illustrate a theory that seems to be quite widespread in the UFOlogist scene. Whether it is more likely than other UFO theories, however, I cannot say. Nevertheless, it has fired my imagination.


Hallo Hivianer 🖖

Vielen Dank fürs Reinschauen. :-)
Mit diesem Post möchte ich eins meiner jüngsten Exkursionen in die Welt der Science Fiction Kunst vorstellen und eine Theorie veranschaulichen, die in der UFOlogen Szene recht weit verbreitet zu sein scheint. Ob sie wahrscheinlicher ist, als andere UFO-Theorien, kann ich jedoch nicht sagen. Meine Fantasie beflügelt, hat sie trotzdem.



About my picture

At least since the UFO hearings in the US Congress and the worldwide drone sightings, extraterrestrials are still on everyone's lips and even more so than ever.
As a hobby fantasist, I get really excited by these kinds of reports on the media. And so I also often read the comment sections. It's not uncommon to find theories there which seem to be widely spread in UFOlogist circles - even more food for my fantasies.
One of these theories is that extraterrestrials are actually humans from the future. Very advanced, genetically evolved and with the mission to advance humanity.

I was very inspired by this theory and it gave me the one or other fantastic daydream.
My picture was essentially born out of these daydreams. I really wanted to create an illustration of it.

PS: I am not a UFOlogist, nor do I too strongly believe in UFOs. To a limited extent, however, I think they may exist. For me personally, this topic is mainly a source of inspiration for my fantasies.


Über mein Bild

Außerirdische sind spätestens seit den UFO-Anhörungen im US-Kongress und den weltweiten Drohnen-Sichtungen, immer noch und sogar stärker denn je in aller Munde.
Als Hobby-Fantast, regen mich diesbezügliche Meldungen in den sozialen Medien regelrecht an. Und so lese ich häufig auch die Kommentar-Spalten. Denn nicht selten finden sich darunter auch Theorien, wie sie in UFOlogen Kreisen recht verbreitet zu sein scheinen - Noch mehr Futter für meine Träumereien.
Eine dieser Theorien ist, dass Außerirdische in Wirklichkeit Menschen aus der Zukunft seien. Sehr fortschrittlich, genetisch weiterentwickelt und mit der Mission, die Menschheit weiter zu bringen.

Mich hat diese Theorie sehr inspiriert und sie brachte mir den einen oder anderen fantastischen Tagtraum ein.
Mein Bild ist quasi aus diesen Tagträumen entstanden. Ich wollte unbedingt eine Illustration davon erschaffen.

PS: Ich bin weder ein UFOloge, noch glaube ich sehr stark an UFOs. Mit einer gewissen Potenz jedoch, halte ich sie schon für wahrscheinlich. Mir persönlich, geht es bei diesem Thema hauptsächlich um Inspiration für meine Fantastereien.



I used Blender to create the entire picture and then put the finishing touches to it in GIMP. For the 3D models, I mainly used procedural textures and made all the models myself.



Das Bild habe ich komplett in Blender gestaltet und danach in GIMP ein paar letzte Feinschliffe gemacht. Für die 3D-Modelle habe ich hauptsächlich prozedurale Texturen verwendet und alle Modelle selbst angefertigt.


Best regards | Viele Grüße

╭━⋞ ☙ My NFT artworks ⋟━╮
╭━⋞ ֎ My LMAC collages and LIL posts ⋟━━╮
╰━━━━━━━━━⋞ 👽 My Alien Art ⋟━━━━━━━━━╯


Well done mate! Where do hive bros hang out and talk now? I haven't been around for quite some time and it seems like most of the old Discord servers are pretty quiet 🥲

Thanks @aranda! :-)

Where do hive bros hang out and talk now?

Indeed, I've also noticed that the Discord servers are all pretty quiet at the moment.
Maybe many people are currently wondering about that. However, the solution could be to simply break the silence - to bring the life back. :-D

Could be, hopefully we get a new active server anytime soon

Do I believe in UFOs? Yes, I do. As for them coming from outer space, I absolutely don't believe that, they come from underground. In any case, your picture is very nice!👌

Thank you @mandragora88! :-)

... they come from underground.

Recently I read something about it. And I think it's also quite an interesting and somehow fantastic idea (from a dreamer's view).
It's not hard to imagine the social, religious and political consequences if this were to be publicly and definitively proven true.
After all, according to this theory, the subterranean “aliens” are hostile to us. That's why I better hope this theory is not true. xD

I love the story behind the picture
Keep it up!

Many thanks @abojode! :-)


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