Beings of Light, Unite

in Alien Art Hive5 years ago (edited)

Awaken From The Dream

Know your reality is shifting, incrementally, as your physical form is adjusting... unplugging.....

Notice the impression of yourself, your desire to no longer fit with the masses. As your inspiration is driven by an internal calling to know more about you and your inner source, your inner LIGHT.

This is becoming easier as you awaken to the origin of your reality, and see the importance of who you are. It is not a coincidence you are reading this, as you are being called to awaken within.

It is testing many, as it is asking you to face yourself, face aspects of you, that in some cases are protected by the ego.

With this being said, we acknowledge those that need assistance with releasing trauma, cellular memories, this is part of the awakening process - to cleanse and clear all that does not serve you... Awakening to YOU.

Self love is of great importance dear one. Acknowledging your journey and taking time to thank yourself for reaching this very moment.

We ask you to be in gratitude for you have made it this far and to take care of your physical vessel.

Know reaching Gaia and living in 2020 is a very big achievement. You are an invaluable being assisting Gaia. Resonating your light among many is all you need to do.

For your energetic presence is greatly assisting others to begin the process of Awakening

Acknowledge the POWER of YOU

Pamper yourself with gifts & yummy food

Journal your thoughts


DAYDREAM of being with US

Know we LOVE you deeply, assisting you on your journey

Sending waves of COSMIC LOVE.

-- The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

Beings of Light, Unite

redrica alien nature art.jpg

Original photography and artwork by @redrica

Slightly different to the collections I've been posting, because I really appreciate this Artwork that "randomly popped up" when I was playing around with the original pic.

I've enjoyed posting my recent Art as collections, but feeling inspired to post them with positive writings (mine or sourced) from now on. I hope it helps spread some light during these crazy times!

Keep shining, dear friends

Much Love from Red


Woo woo.

Your fave.

Cool image and nice words.