"Drones or Woodpeckers? How will we know?" (compilation post) by RFY (HF)

I sit alone on a flannel bedspread, and I listen to the howls of Yowies and Duendes. That's my new philosophy! Come to play???


22 Jan. 2025


"Presorted Last Class Mail" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

presorted last class mail (oct. 2024).jpg

[Felt pen on reclaimed paper envelope with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] If the sky is grey, you might have to color it gold yourself! (Thrills and creative efforts!)



23 Jan. 2025


"Support Local" by RFY (Holy Fool)

support local (nov. 2024).png

[Felt pen on found cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] ...or be DESTROYED by your own folly...



"Borp Should Avoid Public Transportation" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

borp should avoid public transportation.png

[Felt pen, gel pen, brush pen, and colored pencil on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] Borp is clearly having a bad time, and a minor panic attack, while riding in a transport tube...



Did you think I'd completely forgotten about NEOCITIES??? Nope. Still going!



25 Jan. 2025


Greetings me and other peeps. Working on consideration... Consideration... What should I do? Things that I COULD do (and the consequences and/or advantages...)

---Clean off the drawing table: Allow me to use it for drawing, making music, and recording video... The problem: It's completely covered and surrounded in piles of shit... (Not actual poo, just books and musical instruments and art supplies and garbage...)

---Continue making art and sharing it online: I've been doing that for twenty years. Has it improved my situation (economic or otherwise?) Is it fun? One thing I CAN say is that having a place to share art has encouraged me to make a LOT of it. That can't be bad... IS IT?

---Make music and/or share music: I'm not skilled at music creation. I'm BAD at it; however, I enjoy making noise, and the grandkids can "help" me. ART BRUT style!!! We can make it and share it on BANDCAMP or SOUNDCLOUD or PATREON. (Patreon isn't "blowing up" like I'd hoped, but that's okay. Bluesky has picked up lately, but it's not really an economic improvement site... What's worth spending time and energy???) If nothing else, making memories and recording silly songs with the kids might be fun! Fun is nothing to sneer at!!!

---Make a new book: I could either put together another zine then take it up to a print-shop, but I've had bad luck distributing zines in the past. It's a ball to make zines, so that makes it worth it for that reason alone, but I have never really tried to sell/distribute them on Patreon or Etsy. (There is a huge zine scene on Etsy...) Would it be worth it? I could also do another print-on-demand book. The books I've created that way have all been satisfying, and again, I could sell those books on Patreon. (I really need to add the books that I've already printed and have sitting on shelves to my Patreon!! They can't sell if I don't put them up for sale!!!)

---Music, writing, art... I do these things everyday, but I need to focus my efforts... Or do I? Is it enough to enjoy making stuff? Henry Darger style? Let the world decide what to do with all my crap when I'm gone... I AM seriously drawn to the idea of making a new book. I think I have 13 already up and available, already, but making books IS fun. Still, having little zines to mail out is also a hoot. Technically, I could do BOTH... I don't know... Just sitting here on the bed watching conspiracy theory videos on YoooTooobs and plinking in this computer. Thinking...a bit...

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Act Local" by Richard F. Yates (HF)

act local (dec. 2024).jpg

[Digital drawing created with a no-longer-supported, sketch app on my old phone!] Not financial advice, but a good mindset for the coming HORRORS...



"Twisted Monstrosity" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

twisted monstrocity (oct. 2024).jpg

[Blue gel pen on notebook page with minor digital embellishments.] Spooky ghost! Spooky ghost! That's what you get!!!



That's all I've got. I blame society... Thanks for stopping by!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

https://richardfyates.neocities.org/ https://www.patreon.com/richardfyates https://objkt.com/@richardfyates https://warpcast.com/richardfyates https://www.youtube.com/@richardfyates https://www.redbubble.com/people/richardfyates/shop https://bsky.app/profile/richardfyates.bsky.social https://peakd.com/@richardfyates