Buen dia y saludos a todos, es mi primer post en esta comunidad espero poder compartir con todos de mis dibujos.
Good morning and greetings to all, it is my first post in this community, I hope to share with all of my drawings.
Hace un tiempo me aleje mucho del dibujo, motivos de la vida, sin darme cuenta ha pasado una gran cantidad de tiempo, es increible, el tiempo y sus cosas*, siempre quise hacer dibujos en digital pero aplase todo hasta ahora,un poco arrepentido pero nunca es tarde para empezar, en esta ultimas semanas he estado experimentando sin descanso por mi cuenta con el arte digital ya he usado varias aplicaciones, entre ellas photoshop, illustrator, clip studio, hasta he usado una de animaciones llamada opentoonz es muy buena por cierto, pero actualmente me quede con Pain tool sai es la mas simple para aprender a dibujar eso pienso, aunque me gusto photoshop pero mi tostadora/pc es un poco floja😕. En cada aplicacion he seguido tutoriales y me han dejado algo de enseñanzas, he estado aprendiendo de a poco, complementando los pasos proximos,sin embargo,no se pero pense que seria un poco mas facil trabajar en digital, ya que estan todos los colores disponibles y tantas herramientas, pero me di cuenta que no, no es facil estaba muy equivocado.
A while ago I moved away from drawing a lot, reasons for life, without realizing it, a lot of time has passed, it's incredible, time and its things 👀, I always wanted to make digital drawings but I postponed everything until now, a little sorry but it's never too late to start, in recent weeks I have been experimenting tirelessly on my own with digital art I have already used several applications, including photoshop, illustrator, clip studio, I have even used an animation called open toonz is very good By the way, but currently I stick with Paint tool sai, it's the simplest to learn to draw that's what I think, although I like photoshop but my toaster/pc is a bit lazy😕. In each application I have followed tutorials and they have left me some teachings, I have been learning little by little, complementing the next steps, however, I don't know but I thought it would be a little easier to work digitally, since all the colors are available and so many tools, but I realized that no, it's not easy, I was very wrong.
No soy tan viejo de edad pero al salir de mi burbuja del (dibujo tradicional) y entrar al digital, ahora si me siento asi, como aquel que no ha tocado una pc en su vida, ya que desconocia todo, creo que tambien se me complica un poco por que quiero lograr cosas que aun no tengo nivel en digital, no es lo mismo hacer un difuminado en digital que en el tradicional, pienso que exige mas de uno mismo. amo el dibujo tradicional y me ha ayudado bastante a mejorar mi forma de ver la anatomia y de ver la forma en general,suena como si lo hubiese abandonando hehehe😅 ...no es asi, solo que quiero aprender el arte digital, son tantas cosas que se pueden experimentar y hacer, es lo que quiero hacer, salir un poco de lo que solia a hacer que era retratos, y experimentar a ser un poco mas libre a la hora de dibujar un boceto, tambien quiero de a poco desarrollar como todos un estilo propio ya que considero que no lo tengo me gustaria tener algo asi.
I'm not that old but when I get out of my bubble (traditional drawing) and go digital, now I feel like that, like someone who has never touched a PC in his life, since he didn't know everything, I think I also It complicates a bit because I want to achieve things that I still don't have a digital level, it's not the same to make a blur in digital than in the traditional one, I think it requires more of oneself. I love traditional drawing and it has helped me a lot to improve my way of seeing anatomy and seeing form in general, it sounds as if I had abandoned it hehehe😅 ... it's not like that, I just want to learn digital art, there are so many things that can be experimented with and done, is what I want to do, get away a little from what I used to do, which was portraits, and experiment to be a little more free when drawing a sketch, I also want to gradually develop as everyone has their own style since I think I don't have it, I would like to have something like that.
Al ser digital me impuse, que su boceto tambien fuera asi, asi que le quite el polvo a mi mause, si uso mause "la pobresa" hahah. y me puse a hacer bocetos, la verdad es que me gusto no rompí ni una hoja, ni un lapiz😇, solo borre mucho, aleje y acerque el dibujo. al bocetear con mi raton solo me salen lineas desastrosas, pero el lado bueno es que son mas libres, despreocupado de la limpieza me hacen ver mas formas, que dibujando en un papel, sin contar que puedes moldear las lineas, para mi todo eso es novedoso (me siento anciano😆), este fue un boceto de prueba, unos de los mas simples que hice, queria realizar difuminado, pruebas de color, experimentar con distintas capas, texturas... las texturas jugue mucho con ellas y con los efectos que trae pain tool Sai, y pienso que di un pequeño paso a hacer un estilo diferente de lo normal. el resultado me rercuerda a las ventanas de las iglesias con los dibujos de colores que son muy saturados.😊
Being digital, I imposed myself, that his sketch was also like that, so I dusted my mouse, if I use a mouse hahah. and I started making sketches, the truth is that I liked it, I didn't break a single page, or a pencil😇, I just erased a lot, zoomed in and out of the drawing. when sketching with my mouse I only get disastrous lines, but the good side is that they are freer, unconcerned about cleanliness they make me see more shapes, than drawing on paper, not to mention that you can shape the lines, for me all that is new (I feel old😆), this was a test sketch, one of the simplest I did, I wanted to do blurring, color tests, experiment with different layers, textures... I played a lot with the textures and with the effects that brings pain tool Sai, and I think I took a small step to make a different style than normal. the result reminds me of the windows of the churches with the color drawings that are very saturated😊
Este es el boceto principal quedo lindo no?😊 mentira ese no es el principal del mause, sin darme cuenta lo borre cuando hacia la lineas con vectores y no hice una foto despues de todo era una prueba.
This is the main sketch, it turned out nice, right?😊 Lie, that's not the main one for the mouse, without realizing it I deleted it when I made the lines with vectors and I didn't take a photo after all it was a test.
En esta parte hay varias capas de difuminado que descarte me frustre un poco no lograba el volumen que deseaba, se veia plano todo y sin gracia. dejandolo por un rato.
In this part there are several layers of blurring that I discarded, I got a little frustrated, I did not achieve the volume I wanted, everything looked flat and without grace. leaving it for a while.
Volvi, y empece a jugar con lo que tenia y esta capa de colores simple y desordenados jugo un gran papel ya que ya que ella daba el volumen y otra copia que difumine un poco, multiplique en capas iguales, algunas las fusione, aplique efectos, moviendo las opacidades en las capas y agregando algunas texturas que le dan un toque diferente tambien logrando realzar el volumen, estuvo divertido
I went back, and I started to play with what I had and this layer of simple and messy colors played a great role since it gave the volume and another copy that I blurred a little, multiplied in equal layers, some I merged, applied effects, moving the opacities on the layers and adding some textures that give it a different touch also achieving volume enhancement, it was fun
Me estaba gustando el resultado y luego la vi un poco muy desnuda,empece a dibujarle algo de ropa,al final descarte las hombreras que habia dibujado la dejandola asi.
I was liking the result and then I saw her a little very naked, I began to draw some clothes for her, in the end I discarded the shoulder pads that I had drawn, leaving her like that.
Luego el fondo fue lo mas simple hablo de los colores, las esferas las cree despues con mas calma, habia estado buscando el efecto del metal o dorado con esferas, esa me gustaron como quedaron, me sirvieron para hacer parte del fondo. lo demas fueron ajustes y limpiar muchas lineas que molestaban, al igual de pinturas que salian de los bordes.
then the background was simpler, he talked about the colors, the spheres he created later with more calm, he had been looking for the effect of metal or gold with spheres, I liked how they turned out, they served me to make part of the background. The rest was adjustments and cleaning up many lines that bothered me, as well as the paintings that came out of the edges.
me agrada compartir con ustedes espero les guste y sobretodo espero ayudar mostrandole mi proceso, esta ves intentare de ser constante, y seguir aprendiendo.
I like to share with you I hope you like it and above all I hope to help showing you my process, this time I will try to be constant, and continue learning.
Tengo otro boceto en proceso es un hombre conejo, mi objetivo en ese dibujo es que sera mas libre, ya que le dejare el boceto no limpiare las lineas, quiero ver como quedaria..
I have another sketch in process, it is a rabbit man, my goal in that drawing is that it will be freer, since I will leave the sketch, I will not clean the lines, I want to see how it would look.
Great piece. I really love how ot turned out. The progress shots are amazing and I love the way the background turned.
Bro. You are an idol, I was seeing your work, thanks for stopping by, you encourage me a lot with your comment.
I am glad you've been encouraged. Keep up the good work.