Cupid Self-mutilating (Cosmic Creations Edition is LIVE: MYTHOLOGY)

Hello Aliens, on the occasion of the day of Love and Friendship, and taking advantage of the community contest called Cosmic Creations! editión "Mithology", I have been inspired by the god Cupid.

Well, reading about Psyche and Cupid, the inspiration came: I would draw the god suffering the pains of love that he himself causes. He has always been represented as a winged young man, armed with a quiver full of arrows with different tips: some of gold, to grant love; and others of lead to take it away.

Hola Aliens, a propósito del día del amor y la amistad, y aprovechando el concurso comunitario llamado ¡Creaciones Cósmicas! Edición: Mitología, me he inspirado en el dios Cupido.
Pues, leído sobre Psique y Cupido, vino la inspiración: dibujaría al dios padeciendo los dolores del amor que él mismo causa. Siempre ha sido representado como un joven alado, armado con un Carcaj llenos de flechas con puntas diferentes: unas de oro, para conceder el amor; y otras de plomo para quitarlo.

Supported by the passage of the separation from his beloved. I imagined a suffering being and that helped me to represent the god determined to spurn love, self-mutilating his wings with the tip of one of his lead arrows.

Apoyado en el pasaje de la separación de su amada. Me imaginé a un ser sufriente y eso me sirvió para representar al dios decidido a desdeñar al amor, automutilándose las alas con la punta de una de sus flechas de plomo.

Once the idea was ready and sketched, we moved on to the inking of the drawing. He has a lot of material to cut (if we refer to his story), but in this case I only focused on his most relevant characteristics to create my drawing. Thus we see a god hunched over and with a darkened face, using his own hands to cut off one of his wings...

Ya lista y abocetada la idea, pasamos al entintado del dibujo. Tiene mucha tela que cortar (si a su historia nos referimos), pero en este caso sólo me enfoqué en sus características mas relevantes para crear mi dibujo. Así vemos a un dios encorvado y con el rostro oscurecido, usando sus propias manos para cortarse una de sus alas...

After defining the main lines and erasing the ones that were not useful, I went to the shading. The last details were given with inks of other tones to highlight the wings, the arrows and the wound (primordial elements in the act of rejection and pain of the god) and to culminate with the accentuation of the shadows.

Luego de definir las líneas principales y de borrar las que no nos servían, me fui al sombreado. Los últimos detalles fueron dados con tintas de otros tonos para resaltar las alas, las flechas y la herida (elementos primordiales en el acto del rechazo y dolor del dios) y culminar con la acentuación de las sombras.

I hope you like it.

Espero que sea de su agrado.

This translation was made with the help of DeepL Translate


This turned out super cool! Awesome illustration.

Thank you very much, my friend.

Thanks!!!!!! 💪💪💪