I feel like a spline rig would have worked better for Jake's noodly...well...body but you are doing noodle arms in this case XD
Looks just like him :)

I feel like a spline rig would have worked better for Jake's noodly...well...body but you are doing noodle arms in this case XD
Looks just like him :)
Hahaha totally, I think the most complicated thing about 3D is the rigg. I just used a default skeleton, I don't have much knowledge on it.
Rigify wasn't a thing when I learned how to rig so I do somewhat know how to do it (and also I like knowing how to do things in general). I just use Rigify these days, quicker and easier XD
I practiced it a long time ago and understood very little, although I did it completely, but then I spent many months without using Blender and I forgot those things that I didn't learn well.