Universe and reconstruction...

in Alien Art Hive5 years ago

When we are looking at the sky it is beautiful and serene. The limited vision of us keeps us comfortably on this floating planet. But things happening in the far away (for us) is unimaginable and we cannot watch it whole.

Planets are treated as some peanut, galaxies are counted as some donut. Everything is constantly recycled and reconstructed. There is no machine or workers to do that... it happens automatically within the force and energy. I shared some pictures of the process which an alien gave me for a bottle of whiskey in return.



Random params 2.png



Random params 2.png


Manually curated by brumest from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thank you...😁

Awesome pictures.

happy to see you like it...😁

Beautiful -- I thought of what they say will happen should the universe reach Poincare recurrence time and reset! You've given us a way to live to see it (sort of)!

nice... we are going to see more things, thank you so much for the encouraging words...🙋‍♂