Hello my dear friend Tim, it is indeed super interesting (and super crazy at the same time) what can be achieved with a bot that is given instructions to make art. Sometimes very disastrous works are achieved with which you crack up laughing and sometimes sublime and very beautiful works are achieved.
I have seen in different NFT markets how AI Art has been becoming a trend for a couple of years and bidding hard since 2021. I have talked and exchanged comments with several friends and other artists about it; some believe that it will even replace the arts that we were already familiar with and that the role of the artist will be less relevant, and others think that it is just a trend that will be replaced by another trend.
I personally believe that it is something that is here to stay, but that fact does not imply that what I do by hand will be irrelevant; on the contrary, that it will only be another artistic genre and another valid form of creativity in the immense ocean that is the panorama of artistic proposals today.
Also, I want to say that I see that apart from painting, taking excellent photographs, and playing a little with the AI; you also try other artistic styles and you venture to share and publish. I identify with you a lot because I do the same and I think that is one of the reasons why I follow your work; I love innovative people who dare to do something new and different every day while continuing to do what they did before.
As always it is a pleasure to read you and see your work my dear friend.