What Does a Regenerative Future Look Like to You?

I made this video where we asked a collection of students what a regenerative future looked like to them, and then used their thoughts as inputs to DALLE, Disco Diffusion, and Midjourney.

Then I experimented with Topaz by upscaling to 4K and it came out gorgeous.

What does a regenerative future look like to you?

I'll try and feed any responses in the comments to DALLE and post the results here :)




Thank you!

Also I plugged "Magnificent!!!!" into DALLe and these came out

DALL·E 2022-07-28 13.02.28 - Magnificent!!!!.jpg

DALL·E 2022-07-28 13.02.25 - Magnificent!!!!.jpg

DALL·E 2022-07-28 12.58.26 - Magnificent!!!!.jpg

DALL·E 2022-07-28 12.56.25 - Magnificent!!!!.jpg

If that's what a regenerative future looks like I'm all for it!