I am alien too!

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago

Hi all! I just hoped here to say that I was offline too much time and said I am sorry! I want to say too, that I don't forget about this amazing community, but just had never time to post. Some of you maybe already know me, some maybe not, So, brief introduction:
I am a traditional painter, that creating digital and NFTS art. I am mixing all together, and I am creating every day.
Today I want to share with you my latest painting and its better digital variant.
I woke up at the night at 4:00, and painted it till the lunchtime.
Yes! Sometimes, my crazy inspiration attack me when I am sleeping, and there are no way to escape from it!
kiwi painter.jpg

Kiwi painter, photo of my acrylic painting
kiwi painter embosed.jpg

Kiwi painter, ready to be minted!
But, because I painted it for collaboration with another artist, I need to see if he will want changes.
Thank you for the feedback and your support!