Rarible FOMO: Are You Verified?

in Alien Art Hive5 years ago


Buy my NFT, PowerSurge Smoke on Rarible for .25 ETH, one edition left

The FOMO on Rarible is pretty strong now:

Before I get into the verified on Rarible topic, I want to talk about my recent sales on Rarible. It still surprises me every time it happens.

Yesterday, Collin, @rektdoteth bought one edition of PowerSurge Smoke from me:

He bought it right when I uploaded it!

Thank you Collin for supporting my NFT addiction! If you don’t know who PowerSurge is, just watch one of his videos on Twitter. He’s hilarious. He often will do a shoutout to anyone who gifts him one of their NFTs, and I’d been wanting to make an animation of him ever since he confessed on his last video that he had been smoking weed. The way he admitted it was funny...Anyway, I gifted PowerSurge one of my animations, then minted 2 more editions in the hopes that one would sell....it did!!

Here's PowerSurge on Twitter for funny stuff about NFTs:

Advice for Unverifiables on Rarible

When I got verified in the Rarible discord back in July, before the RARI airdrop, there weren’t that many people waiting to get verified. Well, the situation is quite different now. People are messaging me on Twitter asking for advice to get verified. I am guessing it’s a numbers problem, with too many people in line waiting to get verified. I learned my lesson from Steemit in the early days: you have to join before the masses pile in....I never forgot that lesson. I’m still kicking myself for not gettting on Super Rare in 2018 though. But now, I would mint on Rarible instead of Super Rare because of earning RARI tokens....soooo.......

Speaking of verified......I recently got inspired by this NFT by Raptor Jesus on Rarible:


Verified on Rarible by Raptor Jesus: https://app.rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:18659:0xc467fde940e541b68b4c6e73183a5d9c285e53fc

I found out that he, along with many others including artists here are not yet verified on Rarible. It sounds quite difficult to get that yellow check mark. I guess my advice to anyone wanting to get verified, make a lot of noise, make NFTs about this topic and keep showing up in Discord....they can't ignore you forever.

Here’s my newest NFT dedicated to anyone who is still waiting to get verified:


2 Editions
.5 ETH each https://app.rarible.com/token/0xd07dc4262bcdbf85190c01c996b4c06a461d2430:20195:0x6262aeaced94af0b91abd0d408750a8ffa3687f8

The RARI airdrop changed things considerably, in my opinion.

Now, whenever I sell some of my art NFTs, I also earn RARI tokens, which are actually worth quite a lot. So, when I think about where to mint my NFTs, it’s now basically two platforms: @nftshowroom and Rarible. I earn more money on Rarible because of the RARI tokens that I earn if sell there. That’s a very strong incentive for cryptoartists.

I’m thinking of starting a video show to talk about the NFT craze, as it has basically taken over my life now!


Check out my NFTs and connect with me:


NFT Showroom / Rarible / Makersplace / Twitter / Website


RARI token helps to improve the growth of nftshowroom and their artist, however you alwalys have a good attention all over in this crypto platform. Rarible seems like a new edge for crypto!

Know nothing about Rari, however do enjoy seeing your art, sounds like you hitting the jackpot, good luck and keep having fun!

@tipu curate

it's so much fun. it took me a while to make a sale on Rarible.....the game is to keep trying different things...i have burned 3 tokens on there too!!!! Gotta keep it fresh...stale art is baadddddd

Psychedelic art always grabbed my attention growing up in the 70's have fun inventing new ones Stella.

Another thing I keep saying, is develop a section here in Hive dedicated to enabling buying/selling peoples talents, so much going on it could be a fun way of generating more movement on Hive.