#98 Splinterlands Art Contest - Golden Dragon (ENG/ DE)

in Alien Art Hive12 hours ago

Hello dear Alien Art Crew, Hive Community and Splinterlands Fans,

Good morning everyone. Here we go, a new week has begun according to the Gregorian calendar. May glorious victories welcome us. But I think that's an adventurous undertaking with the golden dragon.

My thanks today go to @woelfchen who gave me the idea and inspiration. He had actually named a very specific dragon for me... I can only hope to have come close to this fantasy image with my interpretation.

The special thing this time is that I only used one type of brush for 12 hours. Penholder (hard) was very useful to me until the end. Only the glitter elements were finally added with the brush. But for 12 hours I was almost meditatively stressed drawing strokes.

Now seriously. That's different from blending or fine drawing. I imagine drawings created from dots to be even more strenuous.

Well, that's enough ranting. Let's move on to the creation process.

splinterlands fanart golden dragon thumbnail.jpg

Hallo liebe Alien Crew, Hive Gemeinde und Splinterlands Fans,

Guten Morgen alle zusammen. Auf auf, eine neue Woche wurde laut dem gregorianischen Kalender eingeläutet. Auf das gloreiche Siege uns willkommen heißen. Doch ich denke mit dem goldenen Drachen ist das ein abenteuerliches Unterfangen.

Mein Dank geht heute mal an @woelfchen , der mir die Idee und Inspiration dazu gab. Eigentlich hatte er mir einen ganz bestimmten Drachen genannt....ich kwnn nur hoffen diesem Fantasiebild nahe gekommen zu sein, mit meiner Interpretation.

Das besondere diesmal, ich habe 12 Stunden nur eine Pinselart benutzt. Federhalter (hart) war mir bid zum Ende sehr dienlich. Lediglich die Glitzer Elemente hatte ich final mit dem Pinsel hinzugefügt. Doch 12 Stunden lang war ich fast schon meditativ gestresst am Striche zeichnen.

Jetzt mal ernsthaft. Das ist schon anders als zu blenden oder Feinzeichnen. Noch anstrengender stelle ich mir Zeichnungen aus Punkten kreiert vor.

Nun ja, genug rumpalabert. Auf geht es zim Entstehungsprozess.

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splinterlands fanart golden dragon 1.jpg

First lines, sketching out the eyes and face.

splinterlands fanart golden dragon 2.jpg

Started a bit doodling to bring shades and shadows in.

splinterlands fanart golden dragon 3.jpg

The filling tool I only used here for this both colors.

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Line by line, stroke by stroke... Hours after hours...

splinterlands fanart golden dragon 5.jpg

But after all that time and end was visible.

splinterlands fanart golden dragon 6.jpg

Only some variations for the gif.

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GIF creation 👇🏼

splinterlands fanart golden dragon gif.gif

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original Image/ original Bild:

Gold Dragon.png

Source of the image/ Quelle des Bildes:

surrealworld trenn barren dünn.png

Contest announcement

Source of the weekly Splinterlands Art Contest/ Quelle des wöchentlichen Splinterlands Art Contest:

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  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung insgesamt ~ 12 Stunden 36 Minuten / duration of completion ~ 12 hours 36 minutes

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last but not least... /... Zum Schluß noch Wohl angemerkt...

To translate some of my german native words I used deepl.com. After I edited and corrected some parts because deepl.com couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

Your / Eure

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Some advertising on my own behalf, if you want to check out my designs and stuff ❤️

Bisl Werbung in eigener Sache, wer möchte kann gerne mal meine Designs und so abchecken ❤️

surrealworld trenn barren dünn.png

Cats Surrealworld Redbubble Art Store
Let's go and scroll through my Redbubble store. Get your decorations from here. No matter if you need a pillow or art canvas, a curtain for the bath or a coffee mug. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Art Store
Yes, my second store is on Threadless. They have different products and Prices, and to give you the best possibilities of ordering my Art designs, I use more online provider. No matter if you need a thermo mug or art design for the wall, clothes a cap. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get, feel free to check it out.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Profil
Threadless has also kind of Profiles aka accounts, where artists can follow each other or where their fan base can follow. So if you like, if you have also a Threadless account, follow me also there, ❤️ and leave a comment with a link of your Threadless profile so I can follow back. 🙏🏼

Cats Surrealworld on Beacons.ai
Beacons.ai is a kind of Linktree, and there you will find all my upcoming stores (planning redbubble and displate too. It's under process of proof), my online Yoga offerings (calendar to book a yoga lesson with me) and free spiritual books to download I upload there from time to time. So you don't habe to search in the internet, maybe I have already uploaded it. I am planning a big free online library, where you find interesting books and where you are able to download it for free. ✨


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