Made A New Cyberpunk Album by Massesect Called Face Maximum

Final cover.png

*All Music And Art Made With Artificial Intelligence

I came up with this Cyberpunk character named Face Max about a year ago and had a song called Face Max and now I made a whole album around Face Max! I was inspired by cyberpunk gaming and anime and thought it would be fun to do something. Face Max is a character who 'faces reality to the max' dealing with disinformation in our modern world. The Age Of Cyberpunk Is Now! - that was the name of the last cyberpunk themed album and it continues with this one.

Here is the first track from Face Maximum


Some of the songs have the theme of facing your 'shadow self' which I think is important in the age of disinformation. Face Max deals not only with your own shadow self but the shadow self of the collective unconscious where the lies hold a grain of truth in that the reality is much, much worse than any conspiracy theory and that it exists to hide the shadow self of society from the individual as well as the collective through bot armies spewing divisive propaganda so we never attack or see our masters

This song is called Cultural Hacker and it is about Face Max facing off with Disinformation Beasts


I really like the art that came out when making the album! I made the art using Ideogram. There was one cover in particular that people liked on that site. I looked them over and felt it was the best. The other ones I am posting here are some of my favourites. I found it therapeutic making the music and the art!

This next track is called Cultures Crazy (resist the pull mix) - I had some singles out that went with the theme of Face Maximum album so I included alternate mixes/versions of them for this record


I like the theme of cyberpunk heroines like Lain Iwakura so I had fun blending that inspiration into Face Max. I based this character partly on Mad Max, Max Headroom and Lain Iwakura. I have been playing the Serial Experiments: Lain video game for PSX and it has been especially inspirational lately. We all need a hero right now and Face Max fits into that and makes me feel better and helps me focus. It's good to make art and music for mental health and I like how the themes of the songs make you think.

This next song is called Cybernetic Resistance! I like the feeling of cyber rebelry


I like the otherworldly alien themes of Cyberpunk so it helped me escape reality a bit while at the same time dealing with it. Face Max faces reality to the Max. It is something I felt needs to be done by people to not be brainwashed by falsehoods and lies. The music goes against tech bros, oligarchs and billionaires. Makes me feel good! I like stuff that makes you question your own mind and ones view of reality to perhaps be able to make a shift in perception to see what's really going on


I will share one more song from the album. The title track Face Maximum. The whole album has a rock/electro feel with some industrialish stuff. Some of it is like dark pop. I like the variety in the record


The album is also out on Bandcamp. Will soon be on Spotify as well

Here is a link to all Massesect music and socials -

 2 days ago  

Amazing and I love the cover art, I've been playing with riffusion and I'm surprised by how good it is getting !

Thank you so much!! Ya I hear riffusion is very good! Unfortunately I cannot distribute the music made on riffusion to places like Spotify but it is great for anything else

 2 days ago  

Yeah it sucks though I assume they will add a paid plan or something for commercial use in the future, what are you using? Suno?