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RE: Artificially Intelligent Augmented Art

Thanks dear friend for the heads up comment on my post - I certainly check it out. I think your Bob Ross variations are great.
As for sites of AI, as I explained in my last post, Deep Dream is really great to use. I did recommend it to an artist friend on Facebook, and he replied that it takes credits to create and he doesn't want to pay for it. My answer was that it is free, but beginners cannot do very much since they are not given much credits. Myself, I had been on Deep Dream since they first started, then just a one-trick-pony, open for everyone. But as they evolved to more features, you had to sign up and log in. Still free, but then later they made a paid pro service. Again, I haver seniority built up being there for years already, and being on the free program, I have a basic 70 credits that quickly regenerate as I use it, usually within a day. Now they recently added the Text 2 Dream feature, and a basic use costs 5 credits (re-generate that another 4 credits), higher resolution 10 credits.
If you sign up/sign in, you can check out what all I created over the years:

Just checking back for my URL, I find this on the start page (by another user):
Pavel Replicon