Hi everyone I am thisnewgirl, and this is my blog where I show you the step by step of my pixelarts! my commissions will be open for a while, to help pay for my mother's medications who was diagnosed with cervical cancer, we are still waiting for the biopsy to know what exactly she has, the grade and what exactly to do, but while the results are ready I have to work and raise enough money to take care of the house and my mother C:
About the commissions
I have 5 slots available for the month of August! below you will see the step by step of one of the commissions I am working on, if you are interested don't hesitate to write me here, instagram or twitter!
- Remember if you like my content, like and share so more people can see my work!
Hola a todos yo soy thisnewgirl, y este es mi blog donde te muestro el paso a paso de mis pixelarts! mis comisiones estarán abiertas por un tiempo, para ayudar a pagar los medicamentos de mi madre a quien le hicieron un diagnostico de cancer de cuello uterino, aun estamos a la espera de la biopsia para saber que exactamente tiene, el grado y que exactamente hacer, pero mientras los resultados estan listos debo trabajar y recaudar suficiente dinero para hacerme cargo de la casa y de mi madre C:
Sobre las comisiones tengo 5 cupos disponibles para el mes de agosto!
a continuacion veras el paso a paso de una de las comisiones en las que estoy trabajando, si estas interesado no dudes en escribirme por aqui, instagram o twitter!
Recuerda que si te gusta mi contenido, dale like y comparte para que mas personas puedan ver mi trabajo!
lets start with a rough shape for the sketch
on top, new layer and hair design
i also work on her clothes and face
new layer, i do eyes and eyebrows
start placing base colors for skin, hair and clothes
working on shadows and dimension
nose and lips
shadow work on her clothes and hair so it can stand out and actually have some shape
some lights
eye color
eyes details
The animation took ab 6 frames C:
Thanks for reading, your best way to help is by liking and sharing, if you like what I do help me to reach more people who appreciate pixelart and art <3
Gracias por leer, tu mejor manera de ayudar es dando like y compartiendo, si te gusta lo que hago ayudame a llegar a mas personas a quienes aprecien el pixelart y el arte <3
You can find me on:
instagram as:
Wooo que bonito, me encanto como hiciste la animacion, te quedo todo wooo.
Nose si has explorado el mundo vtuber para obtener clientes, intentanlo si gustas 😊
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @misticogama tipped @thisnewgirl
So well made, I love the color palette! The movement makes it look like her heart is beating with intensity, which reinforces the main idea of the piece