My infographic for Moon Karts

in Alien Art Hive2 days ago

It was a fun experience designing this infographic for the moon karts game. For a while, I have been thinking about how to come up with something unique and different, and thankfully I did. While I dive into the process involved in making this infographic, I will also talk about the Moon Karts game itself and all that it offers.

I started with preparing the background. I chose a darker shade of purple. My choice of this color is due to the fact that it rhymes with the colors we see in the game. Still on the background, I put an image to blend with the background color. I had to make the image a bit more transparent in order for it to blend perfectly with the background color.

Next was the shapes. I decided that my infographic would be made up of hexagons. I utilized seven hexagons for my designs. They were arranged in such a way that a center hexagon would be surrounded by six other hexagons. The next issue to tackle was the color of the hexagons and the color of their borders. I decided to go with a brighter purple color for the hexagons. This is also to rhyme with the theme of the game.

As for the borders, I thought it would be great to use different colors for the borders. I went with a silver color for the middle hexagon because I thought it would be a perfect fit.

As you can see, the middle hexagon houses the moon karts logo. This was a strategic choice so as to make it the center of attraction. Next, I filled in the texts.
You can see that one of the text says that it is a play-to-earn game of the racing genre. Of course, this is a game for those who love high tempo, thrilling racing. It is a blockchain based game built on our beloved hive blockchain. It is not just any game, it’s a game where players earn tokens as they play.

Another text says the key performance stats are health, speed, handling and acceleration. These are the stats players have to master and improve on, if they are to dominate on the track.
Power ups were also emphasized by the text in one of the hexagon. Moon Karts is a game with several amazing power up cards that can give any player who has them an advantage in a race either by boosting certain aspects of their kart’s performance or by disrupting the progress of competitors.

Since vehicles are involved in this game, fuel generation is important. The auto vault in moon karts exists for players to stake cards in it and generate fuel. This is what the text in another hexagon talks about.
There is also the practice mode and multiplayer mode for players to explore. The karts in the game have parts, and these parts can be upgraded through tech cards.

In general, this game sharpens your decision making skills and your ability to be strategic.
For my infographic, I chose an orange color for the text to rhyme with the orange part of the logo. You can also see the four different icons I inserted to give it more feel of the game. Those icons are items one can see in the game.
I do hope you liked my infographic. Happy gaming!

Cc @arcadecolony, @coldbeetrootsoup