Quasi-reality – When’s the play on until?
via Blockchainartex
In this series, I wanted to combine my hand-drawn graphics, 3D modeling and HDRi. The peculiarity of these works is that the HDR is upside down. This is done in order to emphasize the instability of our reality and the deception of our perception.
A series of these works is about examining prevailing dogmas and standards, about the ability to look at familiar things from a different angle. It is about adapting and combining objects that look discordant in combination.
The core of each composition – 3D object – is that whole grain inside each of us, our desire for integrity and balance.
In any case, we learn to adapt to reality, even if it seems that we are not consistent with each other. We find our goal, our tasks and our rhythm.
Out of all this chaos, a unique composition is born.