cooler days and rain change the garden

Good day ,

I had a little walk in the garden this morning , and was able to capture some wildlife and flowers.

It looks like we have lost some of the plants that we planted last year due to draught and heat, so i'm thinking of adding some Bamboo plants to the garden later this year for more hight and shadow i'm thinking of getting 3 or 5 plants of the Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' .

I think the red and green wil make a good match with the Cornus alba 'Sibirica' that we already have in the garden .

But that is for after the summer :)

Back to todays wild life and flowers in the garden.

fly on dried flowers

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Oedemera nobilis / false oil beetle / fraaie schijnboktor the good stuff is always almost out of reach

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Oedemera nobilis / false oil beetle / fraaie schijnboktor cleaning it's head

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Oedemera nobilis / false oil beetle / fraaie schijnboktor almost ready

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Oedemera nobilis / false oil beetle / fraaie schijnboktor moving back in to the flower to get more of the good stuff .

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

earwig sitting between the flower buds

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

switching camera and lens to get a better view of the earwig

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

capturing the nice details of it's eye and face

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

still don't understand why people are scared of them

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro


Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

hover fly less then 1 cm long, this was a very thin and small hover fly the flower it sits on is 1cm in diameter.

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

still being able to capture these details

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

hover fly frontal view

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

munt vlindertje / Mint moth / Pyrausta aurata +/- 13mm from head to tail

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

this fluffy flower is the Trifolium arvense / hazenpootje / rabbitfoot clover

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro


Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

the lavender tumbling over after the rain and wind

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Grote kaardenbol / Dipsacus fullonum / wild teasel is also tumbling over even with the extra support , the flower heads got to heavy.

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

but the flowers look amazing

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

And last but not least the echinops finaly started to flower

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

All images created by me @stresskilller , if you have any questions about my photography feel free to ask in the comments.

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

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National Geographic stuff. Thanks for promoting the fascinating world of insects :)

@tipu curate

thank you very much for the support , much appreciated , enjoy your weekend

I wonder what does the dent in the hoverfly's eyes will affecting its vision.
lovely macro shots, as usual, my friend.

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i tried to ask it , but it only kept buzzing 😁

Lovely macro's again! That colourful beetle looks amazing up close!

that is what i like about that 2.5 magnification , being able to show those details .

Why do you have to make these critters so cute 😆 I really don’t like them in person but in photos like these they are kind of beautiful

i don't make them cute they already are , people just need to look at them differently 😁🙃

Well thanks for making it easier 😛

Your photos make the insects look cute! It’s hard to be scared of them like that! When they’re buzzing towards your face/crawling all over you it’s a different matter ha! Awesome photos as always!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 163 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

good job my friend I congratulate you I love it

Yay! 🤗
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You've got some great macro shots! :)

thank you very much


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@rikarivka(4/5) tipped @stresskiller

Do you abduct these insects and bring them into your home.

To have the perfect position and lighting?

Or is it pure skill. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

no i fphotograph them in their natural environment


Sorry for the loss of your flowers but that's part of nature ,