What actions can we take for justice?

in Justice League3 years ago (edited)

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This article is for all people who want to take action for justice.
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The good news about justice

is that there are solution oriented people who work for justice and represent authentic journalism: @activistpost, @dbroze, @jasonliberty, @krnel, @libertyacademy, @lighteye, @richq11, @tlavagabond, @informationwar, @maxigan. These people do their part for solving injustice by helping us be aware of them, and by sharing solution oriented ideas. Congrats to all of them.


The fact that we're moving pretty fast to a more unjust world where we have less liberty, shows that the movement for justice is too small to make a positive difference. Because we're running out of time, we don't have time to beat around the bush. This tough reality will explain why the content on the topic of justice might seem tough to you.

  • Where there is oppression, there's also a movement against the oppressor.
  • Where there is oppression, there's also a movement that protects liberty.
  • Where there is injustice, there's also a movement for justice.

If you're not up to date with the upcoming rules of our rulers, several key points can help you have

An overview about justice and liberty

  • The great reset is already running and it implies changes for all aspects of our lives: the financial system, the food system, our social life, our liberty, etc.
  • The current currencies will be changed to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
  • Our identity will be changed to a digital identity.
  • The ESG Credit Score (another name for the chinese social credit score) is another change that will be part of the digital id platform.


The social scoring app on your phone might look different than the chinese social scoring app. What matters is that your score will reflect your conformity.


For example you'll have a good score if you conform with the rules. There's nothing wrong with respecting the rules that help us live in a civilized society. The problem is when unjust rules violate our rights and liberties. And history shows us that governments seek to create rules to consolidate their control, and reduce our liberty, as free people cannot be governed. Because we're on the road toward a digital world, it will be convenient to us to prove we're good citizens. We'll just have to scan our digital id app at every access point.
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These changes have multiple consequences:

  • People who control CBDCs can cancel our digital money if we don't conform with their rules.
  • Your access to all services will be conditioned by your ESG Credit Score, which in turn depends on everything you do.
  • Your score enables your rulers to control all aspects of your life.

In a totalitarian system, your liberty to question authority is guaranteed. However, your liberty after you question authority is not guaranteed.

In a digital world you have the freedom to disobey, however if you do so, your life won't be as convenient as now:


  • Imagine your access is denied to every entry point: your office, your business, grocery stores, etc.
  • Imagine your payments are denied.
  • Imagine you’re unable to create or to share content on your social media.

These scenarios will be a reality in the upcoming digital world unless you totally obey the rules.

  • How would you like a life where your access is denied to every entry point?
  • How would you like a world where your transactions are denied?
  • How do you like a world where your liberty is conditioned by your social score, which in turn depends on how well you conform with the rules?

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We need access to multiple services (potable water, electrical energy, job, food stores, hospital, bank, etc.) in order to function in our society. If our access is denied to these services, we're excluded from society. So, thanks to technology and multiple other factors, soon we will have to choose between

  • total obedience to the rules and
  • exclusion from society. In which case, we will be unable to sustain our life, unless we're self-sustainable and we produce everything we need (food, potable water, electricity, and other products necessary for sustaining our life) without being part of society.
    This upcoming reality doesn't look like a normal system, rather it's more like a totalitarian one, where
  • total obedience to the government is required,
  • we have no liberty,
  • we have no authority.


If we do nothing to protect our liberty, further rules will further reduce our liberty, and soon we'll reach a point where we no longer have the liberty to solve oppression and other injustices. Until we reach that point of no return (until TSHTF), we have a chance to turn the odds in our favour, if we move fast enough.

Our liberty to live is a pretty important one and the current events might indicate us that soon it can very well be disrupted. However, it consists in multiple vast subjects, so it might need a separate music video.*

When it comes to justice, many people ask:

What can we do for justice?

We would be more effective on the road toward justice if the movement for justice would be bigger.
So, what would be some actions we can take to increase the movement?

A goal implies 2 phases

Every goal has 2 realizations: a physical realisation and an informational one. For example: when we build a house:

  • In the informational part we create an image of the house we want to build, we gather the information needed to build the house, we create an image of the process of building the house, we gather the information about the needed materials, there is communication needed for putting together a team of workers.
  • The physical part means the process of turning physical materials into a house.

If our goal is justice, we'll also work on an informational level first, in which we create an image of what we want, we gather information, we share information, we create an image of the process, there is communication between people who work together. Given the technology we have at our fingertips, it was never so easy to share information.


A big goal begins with a small goal that can be done now, just like a journey of a thousand steps begins with one step. When we want to achieve a big goal, we can break it down into smaller goals until we end up with daily goals, which are actions we can do today. If justice is our big goal, What would be some smaller goals?
If everything is done through people, oppression and other injustices are also done through people. Oppression will no longer be done by people, when a critical mass of people no longer cooperate with the oppressive agenda.

A critical mass of people

We can create a critical mass of people if we reach more people with our message.
What's a good way to get a message across?
There are many documentaries and shows about injustice and about creating a more just world.
For example,

  • Collective Evolution is a concise documentary that help us have an overview over our injustices and also shares ideas for overcoming them.
  • Zeitgeist is another documentary movie with the same theme.

There are also many articles:

The details from articles and documentaries can help us deepen a subject. If you're interested in justice, you can dive deeper in the deep dives community and the deep dives tag.
We can solve injustice as long as we know what's our injustice, just like we can solve a problem as long as we know what's our problem. So, the details from articles and documentaries are critical for solving injustice, as they help us know what's our injustice. However, if we're not realistic about our actions, we're just spinning our wheels.


If we really are interested in justice, then we might as well be realistic about it, as we'll achieve no justice with unrealistic strategies. If we're realistic about justice, we might as well ask ourselves some questions to assess how realistic our actions are.

  • How many people are interested in reading articles and watching documentaries?
  • How many people will study these materials?
  • If we're not reaching people with the message, how many chances do we have to create a critical mass of people?
  • How realistic is it to create a critical mass if we only use documentaries and articles?

What's your opinion about the actions we can take for justice?
Would it be good to be realistic about the actions we take for justice?
What would be a more realistic approach for justice:

  • one in which we offer people details without having their attention first or
  • one in which we have people's attention first and then offer them a detailed message?

If the first approach is realistic enough, where's the critical mass needed to overcome injustice?

If we'd be realistic about justice, we'd admit that the majority of people are interested neither in reading articles nor in watching documentaries.
You don't have to believe me. You can feel the pattern for yourself, by asking your friends to check out an article or a documentary about justice. and wait to see how many will actually check out the material you sent them. I have a hunch that you'll wait for quite a while.
When we share a message, it might be a good idea to have people's attention. That would be the first step.
What's the use of starting with step number 2, in which we offer people the details of our message, without having their attention first?
When we share a documentary or an article, we ask people to invest a lot of time to study a message, we ask them too much.

The story might be different when we share a different kind of content. An image has the potential to become viral, as we don't need to much time to look at a picture. However, it doesn't allows us to share to much information. And a message can be misunderstood when it's taken out of context. Another kind of content that has the potential to become viral is

A music video

Through a music video we can provide context for the message we share, without asking people too much. Sharing a music video is not only about a message, it's also about sharing music.

If justice still seems a lost cause to you, then you can as well tell how many people you know who don't like music.

People might have a reason to watch a one hour show about justice, if we'd offer them a reason through a shorter material, such as a music video. With music we can share a message in a package people really enjoy.

Another interesting part of a music video is that it can have a corresponding article:

  • Where the meaning of lyrics is explained and
  • That leads people to various detailed resources (articles and documentaries)

The corresponding article for each music video of the album would create a smooth transition between the 2 steps of the approach:

  • 1st step: people's attention for a particular subject, e.g justice
  • 2nd step: details for that subject.

People are naturally drawn by content that help them in a significant way. We can do just that with an album that help people improve their life: their health, their financial health, their mind, their social health, their emotional health.

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  • Imagine you can find ideas that can help you create more prosperity from from the Transurfing book series by Vadim Zeland and you can also find them from a music video.


  • Imagine you can learn ideas from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey from a music video.


  • Imagine you can create more awareness for justice and liberty by sharing a documentary and you can also use a music video. Which content will reach more people?
  • Imagine you can help people make healthier choices by recommending them nutritionists, books about nutrition or you can as well share a music video.
  • Imagine you can inspire people to build a strong mentality with a music video.


  • Imagine you can leave the world better than you found it with music.

Which source of information would you prefer to help yourself and to help others: books, documentaries or a music album?

An album is a collaboration between people who unite their artistic abilities: people who write the lyrics, people who sing the lyrics, people who produce the beat.

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A team of people with artistic abilities

We can create a band by sharing the idea of the album with as many people as possible, so that the ones who like the idea can rise their hand and enter the band.
We can overcome injustices and create a constructive difference in our real world, just like Justice League does it in the movie world.

  • The word “Unlimited” means there's No limit to how many people can be part of the team, as long as they like the idea.
  • The word “League” means together we can achieve remarkable goals that we wouldn't achieve if we'd work divided.
  • The word “Justice” means the goal is to make a constructive difference in our world.

With no team there will be no album. So, you can be part of the solution even if you only share the idea of the album. Even though it may seem an insignificant action, sharing the idea of the album is helpful for creating the team, which in turn is helpful for creating the music video, which in turn is helpful for creating a critical mass. The more people share the idea for the album, the more people find the idea, the faster the team will be assembled.

The end form of the music video depends on the collab. As a side note, you don't have to agree with the following lyrics. The role of the following examples is to help you have an image for the ideas you read. So depending on who's willing to be part of the collab, the actual music video will have one of multiple possible forms:

  • A form where spoken (not sung) lyrics are mixed with rap background music.
  • A form that resembles more with a common music video, where sung lyrics are mixed with rap background music.

  • A worse form would be one that doesn't sound well. An example for this variant is a music video I made by myself, without a collab. This music video is rather an audio torture than a cool audio experience. That's because my vocals are out of tune with the beat. The whole point of the music video is to be an experience people like so much that they also share it, so that the message will become viral in order to create a critical mass. So if we really want to protect our liberty, we might as well consider the benefits of working together.

The following demo is not necessarily the end form of the music video. The actual music video might look and sound different. The reason I created a demo for "Liberty" is so you can see the idea for the music video: It's a music video of a different kind, one that makes you question your own mind, by leaving pauses between questions/sentences. In these pauses, you (the audience) can ponder at the message.

If you like the idea, the next step would be to put together the team (people who write the lyrics, people who sing the lyrics, people who produce the beat) that will create this music video and the other ones of the “Prosperity” album.


If we really are interested in justice, we might as well set our priorities. If we need liberty to take action for justice, and we're losing our liberty fast, then we can as well make liberty a priority.
When we break down a big goal into smaller goals, we end up with plenty of actions we can do today:

  • We can share the idea for a music video in the online environment,
  • We can share the idea for a music video in the offline environment: in our real world,
  • Doing our part in creating the music video, if we like to create music,
  • We can share the music video once it's done.

Justice is not a lost cause. We can share the idea of the music video (sharing the idea is a small goal doable today), in order to put together a team of people with artistic abilities, in order to create a music video, in order to create a critical mass that's helpful for justice (our big goal).
What do you think it's a good way to communicate?
Until we find a better way, we can communicate on Discord.

The title of this article is actually encouraging a conversation. So

  • What's your opinion about the actions we can take for justice?
  • What other actions can *we take today for justice?
  • If it's good to be realistic, What would be a realistic approach for justice?

You can comment below and let me know.

This article are part of a book.
See you in the next article. Until then, in the comment section you can share your opinion for the questions of this article. Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day.


that can help you better understand the gravity of our challenge:
The following resources are not meant to be a negative look for our destination. If we don't like our current destination, we might as well take [action] to change our direction so we can reach the destination we like.
Lies can remove, your liberties and privacy.
Truth can set you Free.
WEF reveals your Future.
Social Credit Score system is already here and is marching Forward.
Great Reset’s ESG ‘Credit Scores’ could affect EVERY aspect of your life.
Digital identity (Digital IDs) and Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) pave a digital road.
Are We Ready for A New World Order?
We can accept the Great Reset, the Great Narrative, totalitarianism, Or We can reject and stop it, if we have the Courage to Thrive and to build Parallel Structures, Sustainable, Resilient Communities.
Leadership in this Turning Point
Even though there are many other resources, the above mentioned ones might be enough to get it.


many thanks for the mention brother

It's nice to see you curating and interacting with the flock.

Thanks for checking out my blog. I think we can still turn the tide, as long as enough people take action for justice.

I think we can still turn the tide

It's gonna be easyyy :)

What indicates us that it's gonna be easy?

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