Looks great, the water color media is something I am aversive with but awe at people who can get used to it so well. It's that elementary art kit that gives me Vietnam. Flash backs whenever I try to recall painting.
Probably a first to see pointilism is used with water color and it gives an odd feel to the overall work in a good way.
Thank you that is very kind. 😊
I stare at beautiful watercolor works with huge ole googly eyes. Admiring artists, their skill, and how freaking easy they made it look. I am not on their level, but with practice and werk, werk, werk I will paint, pretty, pretty, things.
Tangential: Tattoo artists that do watercolor style tattoos. Much wow.
Did your little art kits have the WORST paintbrush ever? The little plastic one with bristles of equally terrible plastic quality? They were terrible.
I am glad that it's in a "good way". Haha.
This is so accurate I want to redo my childhood for just this moment.
I'm amazed at this too. Totally a different field and years of training. You know they did it for a long time when the strokes to render an image can be done in minutes.
🤣 Thinking back, I guess youths aren't exactly the nicest with things that aren't theirs and they probably saved the schools some money on replacement brushes. (Putting your childhood painting memories in a little glass half full)
That is so true! Reminds me of that "How to Draw an Owl" Tutorial sometimes. You blink and they have a full image. To take something that looks so free-flowing and manage to utilize something as controlled as tattooing to be able to display it. I want one - someday!