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RE: Meet the Bees (Part 1)

in ArtBees5 years ago

Me well grounded? Are you sure you're talking about me? Well-grounded? Have you ever spoken to me? XD Ahh you always say such nice things, makes me want to run and hide coz I'M NOT WORTHY XD

You're pretty bang on about @thilah and @rainite though XP

Both your analogue and digital stuff is amazing. I do like how we can see more of her this version. Wind blown cloaks will never be not cool. And that assassin blade seems to have grown into a short sword xD And the ghost spoder legs so cool! Did you use the tiny pencil again or did that retire? I forget ^_^;


I think you're pretty grounded Reeree

And shhh you are worthy! Now! Take the sword out of it's stone and slay the dragon///NOOO

Maybe it's just ccoz I'm an old fart compared to the rest of you XD

Hm I'm not sure if I want to try pulling the sword, I saw what happened to one of Stan's characters XD and why would I want to kill a dragon D:

you are super well grounded, fyn! specially compared to some other ... uh, hiveians/steemitians that i've run into.... XD;;;;;;;

and do not run and hide! WE WILL FIND YOUUUUUU

hahah thanks. i like both digital and traditional, but i think my traditional stuff is still more ... established, i guess? but ya, love digitaling too~

and lol yeah, her sword growwwwwws~

this one i used a proper sized pencil that i found at work. the smol pencil's ded. i shaved off what remained off its husk and now i use it with a grip :D

That makes me very concerned about other people O_O

I'm pretty good at...well I would be pretty good at hide and seek but if I'm hiding for too long I get bored and come out and go do something else and forget I was playing so I'd be pretty easy to find XD

Pffffffft that's some serious dedication to smol pencil xD