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RE: On leave but working

Definitely yes, when I have worked as an employee with bosses I have always given more than I could and even without extra pay.
I have worked more and more and with more and more responsibility and this has had consequences, such as improving, learning and, as you mention, making others want to better themselves.

The truth is that I didn't realise it until they told me, I just worked and worked but people, my colleagues told me you are an example of perseverance and of always going forward with a lot of effort and with time I saw that they followed me... they followed in my footsteps and I couldn't believe it.

It is true that once I put my personal health at risk because of so much effort. But I was able to overcome it and come out stronger. I was able to learn to make a cut with what hurts me, that was a great learning experience for me.

Thank you always Galen.


I don't think there's anything wrong with hard work although a person must know when it's becoming detrimental to one's health and then reign it in a little as it's just not worth having a breakdown or getting ill over. Having said that, at times there's cause to push hard and expend every shred of energy into getting the results.

I hope you have a good weekend...Half over for me, and it's Christmas soon...I have a lot of stuff to do to get ready for it, I'm taking the lead on it this year and with feeling a little sick...well, it'll be a struggle. I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow morning and am miraculously better.

Tomorrow you'll be fine, you'll see, it can be accumulated fatigue and that sometimes leads to flu and even fever. The body needs rest to regenerate.

I am sure you will prepare everything great, I have no doubt and you will have a beautiful Christmas even if you are not religious .... I am not now either haha.

You'll be fine, don't even think about it and it will go away! You'll see!'s tomorrow and I'm not fine...but marginally better. (A very small margin).

Well .... I didn't say it would be miraculous hahahaha one step at a time!

Good night and have a great day!😃

I want bloody Christmas miracles!

Me too!!!! You made me laugh!🤣