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RE: Sunny money

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

I think the sunny money theme is fantastic!!!! It's a cost at the beginning but then it's profit and that's great. I remember I was told that here they had put the tax on the sun and I died laughing, but it was true! For all those who put up solar panels. Then they removed that tax.
I always consider putting up the panels when I have my own house, because here there is always a lot of sun.

As for the three things about my personal character I would say it would be constancy and persistence in moving forward, responsibility and discipline in my work or undertakings and spontaneity and honesty in my dealings with people.

This, of course, both in my work and in my personal life.


Three good personality traits that if used more often then not will move a person forward more confidently and towards better results. Well done.

Exactly, good results do not come from chance but from ourselves and how we act in life.