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RE: Microsoft 365 can fuck off

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

...then you met them in a professional meeting and found they are a dumb fucker who can't articulate their thoughts or converse with any skill at all?

The truth is that I would feel very disappointed, because he didn't show himself as he really was, because he lied to me and was fake... Beyond the fact that he doesn't even know how to talk... he used deception.

That company gets into people's lives or wants to get into people's lives, stores everyone's data... and sells it to the highest bidder... bullshit!


We (humans) should be rebelling against it not embracing it but humans can be lazy assholes so getting AI to do the work for them seems to have value. A time will come when humanity regrets the hole they've put themselves in.

I know they will regret it... and it will be too late. the race will be divided.... the world will suffer a lot... it is very sad, but maybe it is a replacement of human beings.