That hot salami looks pretty dang awesome. I bring my own lunch pretty much every day. It is usually leftovers from the night before. I eat it at my desk. It's just easier that way. My wife eats hers at her desk as well for a couple of different reasons. First, she usually has an office full of students, so she needs to herd those sheep. Second, if she ate in the teachers lounge with the rest of the staff she would probably punch someone. The teachers vent without abandon in the lounge and she can't stand the way they talk about some of the kids.
Haha, yep I understand the probably punch someone comment. I don't always eat with others, sometimes I take a walk and eat as I go, or sometimes I eat at my desk first or after a walk. I find it makes me more productive. I walk most days regardless though, at some stage during my day.
I walk to the bathroom and back... 😃